Hello, I'm new to these forums, and have just started programming in assembly.
I wrote a small program to print out the first command line argument, and it's not working. It goes like this:
section .data
empty db "The pointer was null",10,0
section .text
global _start
mov rcx, [rsp + 16]
mov rbx, 1
mov rdx, 40
mov rax, 4
int 80h
mov rax, 1
int 80h
mov rcx, empty
mov rbx, 1
mov rdx, 22
mov rax, 4
int 80h
jmp end
When I compile and run that, it just runs - no segmentation fault or anything, just runs. and it doesn't print out the first command line argument.
However, I tried using rep movsb to use the address in rcx to put the string in a buffer, like this(with 40 bytes reserved in section .bss for text):
mov rsi, rcx
mov rdi, text
mov rcx, 40
rep movsb
When I used linux syscalls to print out the 'text' buffer, It printed out the first argument, no problem. Why won't the above example work?
thanks in advance for any help.