	//function playagain();
	//parameters char cAns
	//resets game variables and board or exits game
	void playagain(char cAns)
		cout<<"would you like to play again?(y/n)"<<endl;//function call depending of the choice of the player
		cin>>cAns;//sts value to variable

			iTotalMoves=0;//resets # of moves
			ResetBoard();//resets game array
			cPlayerSymbol='a';//resets game char (so that function will ask the player X or O again)
			symbol(); // ask the player's symbol then calls the game function

		while(cAns=='y' || 'Y');//but no matter what I type (as long as it's not y or Y, it loops into the game again

it's not exiting, and I know I coded this this way before.

or should I do it this way

	//function playagain();
	//parameters char cAns
	//resets game variables and board or exits game
	void playagain(char cAns)
		cout<<"would you like to play again?(y/n)"<<endl;//function call depending of the choice of the player
		cin>>cAns;//sts value to variable
		if(cAns=='y' || 'Y')

			iTotalMoves=0;//resets # of moves
			ResetBoard();//resets game array
			cPlayerSymbol='a';//resets game char (so that function will ask the player X or O again)
			symbol(); // ask the player's symbol then calls the game function


while(cAns=='y' || 'Y') This says: While (cAns == 'y') || 'Y'
.. which is always either true or 'Y' .. which is always true.

You probably want to say


Also I think the expansion of while(cAns=='y'||'Y') should be while((cAns=='y')||'Y') which will always be true

not sure if this will help but the Do while loop always executes at least once.

void playagain(char cAns)
		cout<<"would you like to play again?(y/n)"<<endl;//function call depending of the choice of the player
		cin>>cAns;//sets value to variable

		if (cAns=='n'|| cAns=='N')

		if(cAns=='y' || cAns== 'Y')

			iTotalMoves=0;//resets # of moves
			ResetBoard();//resets game array
			cPlayerSymbol='a';//resets game char (so that function will ask the player X or O again)
			symbol(); // ask the player's symbol then calls the game function


Once I reversed it, it worked. I dunno really why either, but hell it did. I will keep in mind the do while loops, (love those)
Hey lets find more ways to make exit functions. I already turned in the work, it's finished but this is enjoyable.

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