I using C# to VB.NET code converter which gave me this:

Public Class PostCalendar
        Inherits Calendar
        [B]Implements [U]ICallbackEventHandler[/U][/B]
//--Class 'PostCalendar' must implement 'Function GetCallbackResult() As String' for interface 'System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler'. ¿¿??


Shared Sub New()
	[B][U]Post.Saved += Post_Saved[/U][/B]
End Sub


Public Class RecentComments
		Inherits Control

		Shared Sub New()
			[U]Post.CommentAdded += Function() Do[/U]
			[U]End Function[/U]
			[U]Post.CommentRemoved += Function() Do[/U]
			[U]End Function[/U]
			[U]Post.Saved += New EventHandler(Of SavedEventArgs)(Post_Saved)[/U]
			[U]Comment.Approved += Function() Do[/U]
			[U]End Function[/U]
			[U]BlogSettings.Changed += Function() Do[/U]
			[U]End Function[/U][/B]
		End Sub

                 Shared Sub New()
			[B][U][U]Post.Saved += Function() Do[/U]
				[U]_WeightedList = Nothing[/U][/B]
			[U]End Function[/U]
		End Sub

Which on build in visual studio 2008 gives an error.

Please help me


What's the error your reseiving?

Can you post the original code in C#.

public class PostCalendar : Calendar, [B]ICallbackEventHandler[/B]

	static MonthList()
			Post.Saved += Post_Saved;

public class RecentComments : Control

		static RecentComments()
			Post.CommentAdded += delegate { BindComments(); };
			Post.CommentRemoved += delegate { BindComments(); };
			Post.Saved += new EventHandler<SavedEventArgs>(Post_Saved);
			Comment.Approved += delegate { BindComments(); };
			BlogSettings.Changed += delegate { BindComments(); };
 public class TagCloud : Control

    static TagCloud()
      Post.Saved += delegate { _WeightedList = null; };

I have some errors in VB.NET
1. Class 'PostCalendar' must implement 'Function GetCallbackResult() As String' for interface 'System.Web.UI.ICallbackEventHandler'.

2. Declaration expected.

Thanks for your interest


I've tryed to convert your code.
Here's the result:

Public Class PostCalendar    
Inherits Calendar
   Implements ICallbackEventHandler
    Shared Sub New()
        Post.Saved += Post_Saved
    End Sub
    Public Class RecentComments
        Inherits Control
        Shared Sub New()
            Post.CommentAdded += Function() Do
            End Function
           Post.CommentRemoved += Function() Do
            End Function
            AddHandler Post.Saved, AddressOf Post_Saved            
Comment.Approved += Function() Do
            End Function
            BlogSettings.Changed += Function() Do
           End Function
       End Sub
        Public Class TagCloud
           Inherits Control
            Shared Sub New()
               Post.Saved += Function() Do
                   _WeightedList = Nothing
               End Function
           End Sub
       End Class
    End Class
End Class

I couldn't test it, but I hope it will do.

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