I'm trying to run this code in cygwin 1.7 but i get segmentation fault when I choose to search. I tried this in cygwin 1.5 before but it works. does anybody know the reason why it won't work in cygwin 1.7?

here's the code

Rachel Perono
running BST :)

#define N 10

typedef struct nodetag{
       int value;
       struct nodetag *left;
       struct nodetag *right;
       struct nodetag *parent;

void swap(int* a, int* b){
 	int temp;
 	temp = *a;
 	*a = *b;
 	*b = temp;

void insert(node **root, node* temp){

		if(*root == NULL){
                 *root = temp;
             temp -> parent = *root;
             //printf("parent: %d temp : %d \n", temp-> parent->value,temp -> value);
              if((*root) -> value > temp -> value){
             //printf("go to left\n");
                      insert((&(*root) -> left ), temp);
              }else if((*root) -> value < temp->value){
               //printf("go to right\n");
			         insert((&(*root) -> right), temp);

void insert_node(node** root, int val){
		node* temp;
		temp = (node*) malloc (sizeof(node));
		temp -> value = val;
		temp -> left = temp -> right = temp -> parent = NULL;
		insert(&(*root), temp);

void view(node *root, int tabs){

	int i;
	if(root == NULL)
		view(root -> right, tabs+1);
		for(i = 0; i < tabs; i++) printf("\t");
			printf("%2i\n", root -> value);
			view(root -> left, tabs + 1);

node* search2(node **root, int val){
	if((*root) -> value == val){
            printf("%d", (*root) -> value);
			return *root;
		if((*root)-> left != NULL && (*root) -> value > val){
			search2(&(*root) -> left, val);
		}else if((*root)-> right != NULL &&(*root)->value < val){
			search2(&(*root) -> right, val);
		}else{//pasok dito pag wala sa list.
			printf("not found!\n");
			return NULL;



	node *root = NULL;
	node *temp = NULL;
	int i, a[N];
	int val;
	int look;
	int searched = 0;
	int delete_this;
	int number;
	int choice = 0;
        printf("[0] implement (insert input, randomize, make the bst.)\n");
		printf("[1] view\n");
		printf("[2] search a node\n");
		printf("[3] exit program\n");
        scanf("%d", &choice);

            case 0:	
					for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
						a[i] = i + 1;
						//printf("%d", a[i]);
					for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
						swap( &a[i], &a[rand()%N]);
						//printf("%d", a[i]);
					for(i = 0; i < N; i++){
						//insert a[i];
						val = a[i];
						insert_node(&root, val);
					//printf("root sa umpisa ay nasa : %d\n", root -> value);
			case 1:
					view(root, 0);
			case 2:
					printf("enter number to search [must be between 1 - 10 ].\n");
					scanf("%d", &look);
	                root = search2(&root,look);
					view(root, 0);
				    printf("root searched: %d\n", root -> value );
			case 3:

Not every program runs great on emulators. Try running it in a unix system.

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