hi i am trying to make an if function to check the picturebox background but it is not working. i tried .equal or image.fromfile but nothing is working. can anyone help me pls?

if (pbxap.BackgroundImage.Equals("..\\..\\Images\\tbl9.jpg"))
                //display error
                MessageBox.Show("No records found on this table");

Equals() method won't work for Image unless you are checking which object is it pointing to. A solution for your problem is:

Declare the error image as a class-level variable (i.e declare it above public Form1() {.....):

Image errorImage = Image.FromFile("..\\..\\Images\\tbl9.jpg");

Now when you are assigning the error image use that variable:

// Error! No records
pbxap.Image = errorImage;

To check if error image is assigned to picturebox's image, use:

if (pbxap.Image == errorImage)
   //display error
   MessageBox.Show("No records found on this table");

Hope that helps.


thanks a lot for your reply but i have worked it out in a different way i compared the width and the height of the picturebox and image. Thanks :)

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