Hi every one i just want a payroll software only for printing pay slip
it is very urgent any give me a payroll project as my requirment change software my self
please help me .
It is increse my salary

How about you actually earn your payraise by doing the work yourself!!!

We just don't hand out code!!! You want someone to code this for you??? Go over to http://www.rentacoder.com or http://www.odesk.com and put your project up for bid!!!

Why don't you send us some code that you have already done and we will gladly try and help.

How it possible? who give you their own project. give your problem and take solution.

Ok boss
u can hel me that
a little example of printing payslip adjest page(portable,landscape, size)
using vb and ms accesess with jet conection not sql server
i just want make a text file before printing or direcct printing code required
how can send data to a printer
i hope to help from u all
thanks in advance

Hi every one i just want a payroll software only for printing pay slip
it is very urgent any give me a payroll project as my requirment change software my self
please help me .
It is increse my salary

Are you a programmer?
I think it is better to hire a programmer to do works for you?

i am not asking for ur own project or whole code
i just want pay slip printing code according user
if a able rent a progrmer then why i post my theads this web
i am not a profestinal programer i am working under a programe
but he do not tell me any thing about programing
i post my progect many times in other sites to help but my progriming language
is lenthy
i do not use sql quary
my progriming type as fllows

if data1.recordset.fields("empname")=txt1.text.text then

every says to me that is worng way programing but what i can do my education
studies these type of programing

if u help me then ok
thanks for u give me ur time

Dont know what is your problem, If you want to learn something like basic database management, visit my website, download some samples codes, and start learning SQL and ADO..
Use it for studies only.
More samples in google and yahoo..
Peace Out Peeps...

Dont know what is your problem, If you want to learn something like basic database management, visit my website, download some samples codes, and start learning SQL and ADO..
Use it for studies only.
More samples in google and yahoo..
Peace Out Peeps...

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