Hello, I've made a Jeopardy game using VS2010 and I mistakenly made it as a .NET 4.0 project.

I am wondering if there is any easy way to convert the project into a .NET 2.0 project so more people will be able to use the program.


You should create a new project in .NET 2.0 then import already created forms into the new .NET project, that should work

Thank you very much.

For anyone else out there, to import a file to an existing project:

press CTRL+D
and for each form there will be 3 files (2 source files and a designer file), import all three for each form and your set.

Hello, I've made a Jeopardy game using VS2010 and I mistakenly made it as a .NET 4.0 project.

I am wondering if there is any easy way to convert the project into a .NET 2.0 project so more people will be able to use the program.


There is a much easier way to it..
For future reference at least.. Go to project properties and under the compile tab select advanced compile options and select any Target Framework you like :)

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