can anyone guide me to good websites with respect to this topic "image deblur without original image"

I have gone through a number of papers and codes for a week.

all examples had codes which took a original good image added a blur function & then deblurred that image.

I dont have orginal image but have a deblurred image. Looking for sample code to start off with.

Ultimately have to do video denoising. But have to get the basics rite

thanks. I have done further reading and have come to conclusion that blind deconvolution with expectation maximization algorithm can be used when i dont have original image and Also an unknown PSF.(point spread function) But the noise is assumed here as white gaussian noise where noise is some constant change. But i am looking for random noise. Can u help me further? Thanks in advance

I strongly suggest you take this subject up with forums or *newsgroups* that specializes in computer editing of images.

You've moved away from C programming, and you need to follow that. Come back if you have a C question or problem.

can anyone guide me to good websites with respect to this topic "image deblur without original image"

Make convolution filter with sharpen kernel.

Ultimately have to do video denoising.

Denoising (blur) can be done by convolution filter with median kernel.

So if your main target is to achieve video denoising - then you may apply filters in sequence:
1. At first blur image (convolution with median kernel) for noise elimination.
2. Sharpen image (convolution with sharpen kernel) for restoration of pixels which were partially destructed with blur filter. (cause blur eliminates useful image pixels also).
3. Maybe you will also will need some sort of edge enhancement convolution filter also.
All in all - convolution is your friend.

Thanks for the help. I will look into the links provided by you:-)

They are convolution filters but need deconvolution(blind).Any guidleines other than papers? also can u suggest good forums related to such topics

They are convolution filters but need deconvolution(blind).Any guidleines other than papers? also can u suggest good forums related to such topics

Seems you totally didn't check my links i gave to you. There were c/c++ code examples of convolution filters given in site and in nvidia site also.

Also tell me - What is the reason Why convolution Sharpness filter (example in gamedev) doesn't fit to you ? It clearly does de-blurring of image - seems you wanted that or not ???

yes i went through the sites & used the code also (it gave a good start and thank you very much for that); i mean logic i understood and used that code in matlab using site code examples functions like putpixel get32r... etc functions does not work with a normal compiler so i separated out using matlab and used the code. My image is very blurred as i get the images from RF modems( camera mounted on a airframe and ground station receives the signals). so the quality is not like the one in that car example.

Also tried all the 3 matrices for sharpness filters which the website states. at first i was very happy seeing all the links you provided but when i implemented it, it did not workout.

checked up nvidia site also downloaded opengl cg library also it is very slow i think it does not run on my pc and laptop very slow can get that to work at that pace.

Shall i send the code to you and blurred image to u r email id.

Thanks once again:-)

at first i was very happy seeing all the links you provided but when i implemented it, it did not workout.

Can you be more concrete ? What results you got and what you expected instead ? Also have you tried different sharpness kernels - 3x3 and 5x5 ?

checked up nvidia site also downloaded opengl cg library also it is very slow i think it does not run on my pc and laptop very slow can get that to work at that pace.

It can be that your computer video card has no pixel shader support - and hence program runs under emulation mode, which is slow. Google it- does your video card supports pixel shaders and until what version pixel shaders are supported. (1.0-5.0).

(That Cg lib MUST run fast on modern GPU's, because it uses hardware accelerated processing. Unless your video card is OLD and/or integrated - like Intel).

Shall i send the code to you and blurred image to u r email id.

Just post here image after sharpness filter applied and tell us - what was not like you expected to be.

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