Hello, I'm wondering why this command "mov eax, [eax]" changes the content of eax from rubbish to a readable string in the following code:
___:004160CB arg_0= dword ptr 4
___:004160CB mov eax, [esp+arg_0]
___:004160CF push esi
___:004160D0 mov esi, ecx
___:004160D2 cmp esi, eax
___:004160D4 jnz short loc_4160DA
___:004160D6 mov eax, esi
___:004160D8 jmp short loc_416151
___:004160DA ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
___:004160DA loc_4160DA:
___:004160DA mov eax, [eax] ; HERE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
___:004160DC test eax, eax
___:004160DE push edi
___:004160DF jz short loc_4160E6
___:004160E1 lea edi, [eax-0Ch]
___:004160E4 jmp short loc_4160E8
___:004160E6 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
___:004160E6 loc_4160E6:
___:004160E6 xor edi, edi
___:004160E8 loc_4160E8:
___:004160E8 test edi, edi
___:004160EA jnz short loc_416110
___:004160EC mov eax, [esi]
___:004160EE test eax, eax
___:004160F0 jz short loc_41614E
___:004160F2 lea edi, [eax-0Ch]
___:004160F5 push edi ; lpAddend
___:004160F6 call InterlockedDecrement
___:004160FC test eax, eax
___:004160FE jg short loc_41610B
___:00416100 push edi
___:00416101 mov ecx, offset dword_AB6500
___:00416106 call sub_406151
___:0041610B loc_41610B:
___:0041610B and dword ptr [esi], 0
___:0041610E jmp short loc_41614E
___:00416110 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
___:00416110 loc_416110:
___:00416110 cmp dword ptr [edi], 0FFFFFFFFh
___:00416113 jnz short loc_416121
___:00416115 push 0FFFFFFFFh ; Size
___:00416117 push eax ; Str
___:00416118 mov ecx, esi
___:0041611A call FormatString
___:0041611F jmp short loc_41614E
___:00416121 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
___:00416121 loc_416121:
___:00416121 push ebx
___:00416122 push edi ; lpAddend
___:00416123 call InterlockedIncrement
___:00416129 mov eax, [esi]
___:0041612B test eax, eax
___:0041612D jz short loc_416148
___:0041612F lea ebx, [eax-0Ch]
___:00416132 push ebx ; lpAddend
___:00416133 call InterlockedDecrement
___:00416139 test eax, eax
___:0041613B jg short loc_416148
___:0041613D push ebx
___:0041613E mov ecx, offset dword_AB6500
___:00416143 call sub_406151
___:00416148 loc_416148:
___:00416148 add edi, 0Ch
___:0041614B mov [esi], edi
___:0041614D pop ebx
___:0041614E loc_41614E:
___:0041614E mov eax, esi
___:00416150 pop edi
___:00416151 loc_416151:
___:00416151 pop esi
___:00416152 retn 4
___:00416152 CGame__ShowMessage endp
Before the command is ran, EAX is some rubbish that isn't readable. But when the command is ran, EAX clears up to a readable string! I was wondering how, why and where the string comes from :s.
Can anyone help me with this? Thank you.