
i have to convert unsigned char to char array. i m using ultoa() function that converts unsigned long char to a string. but it is giving me an error of Type Mismatch.

actualy i have tsend my data to server side where it is recieving in char array. so on client side data is stored in char array. but now i have to encrypt that data so encrypted data is unsigned char *

and i have to convert that unsigned char * to char array.... oherwise it is giving segmentation fault if i do not convert.

plzz plzzz helpp...
i m posting my code also.

//encrypt the message shorter than 8 bytes.
	  strcpy((unsigned char *) input, plaintext);
 	  DES_ecb_encrypt(input, output, mysched, 1);
 	  ptr = (unsigned char *) output;
 	  for(j=0; j<8; j++) printf("%X", *(ptr+j)); printf("\n");
	// sendto fucntion used to send data to server
	sendto(sock,send_data, strlen(send_data), 0,
              (struct sockaddr *)&server_addr, sizeof(struct sockaddr));

Please post the way you declared those variables. Is input a character array? You generally don't have to do a thing to convert char* to unsigned char*. typecasting is sufficient. And ultoa() takes an unsigned long int as the first parameter, not an unsigned char.

hi sorry for posting my other code so late.. heres how i decleared the variables

unsigned char *plaintext;
  int j;
  unsigned char *ptr;
  DES_cblock *key;
  DES_cblock *input;
  DES_cblock *output;
  DES_key_schedule *mysched;
  mysched = malloc(sizeof(DES_key_schedule));
  key = malloc(sizeof(DES_cblock));
  strcpy((unsigned char *) key, "12345678");
  input = malloc(sizeof(DES_cblock));
  output = malloc(sizeof(DES_cblock));
  DES_set_key(key, mysched);

heres how variables used in sendto() are declared

int sock,bytes_read,addr_len;
struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
struct hostent *host;
char send_data[1024];

the code to encrypt the data in other program is working fine. but when i put it here it gives error of 'TYpe Miss Match at


Check out the use of the "utoa" function and use it correctly in ur code.
You can check with the man pages or can simply google for the information. Still I am posting the syntax and use of the function 4 u.

#include <stdlib.h>
char *utoa( unsigned int value, char *buffer, int base);

The utoa() function converts the unsigned binary integer value into the equivalent string in base "base" notation, storing the result in the character array pointed to by "buffer".
A null character is appended to the result. The size of buffer must be at least (8 * sizeof(int) + 1) bytes when converting values in base 2.
So, our function "converts an unsigned binary integer to a string".

Here's a simple example to clear up the idea...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main()
    int base;
    char buffer[18];

    for(base = 2; base <= 16; base = base+2)
        printf("%2d %s\n", base, utoa((unsigned) 12765, buffer, base));

which produces the output:

2 11000111011101
4 3013131
6 135033
8 30735
10 12765
12 7479
14 491b
16 31dd

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