I really do apologize but I didn't know what part of the forum to post this in, and tutorials didnt have a post new thread link. But I noticed most beginners are still trying to understand how file processing works, streaming I/O to a file, read/write etc. So I wrote a sample program for their benefit if they want to see how it works. So I truly hope this helps and again I truly am sorry if this is in the wrong area.
// Stream Write.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <conio.h> // uses _getch() to pause at end of program/ program will not exit
#include <fstream> //file ifstream ofstream processing
#include <cstdlib>
using namespace std;
char fName[32];
char lName[32];
char mName[32];
char catenate[64];
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//Simple Input Output
cout << " First Name: "; cin >> fName;
cout << " Last Name: "; cin >> lName;
cout << " Middle Name: "; cin >> mName;
strcpy_s ( catenate, fName );
strcat_s ( catenate, " " );
strcat_s ( catenate, lName );
strcat_s ( catenate, ", " );
strcat_s ( catenate, mName );
cout << "\n\nYour Full Name: " << catenate << endl;
cout << endl << endl;
//Simple File Stream -> Writing to the file
//Write 1st: First Name
//Write 2nd: Last Name
//Write 3rd: Middle Name
//Write 4th: Whole Name
char flName[32];
cout << " Enter a file name: "; cin >> flName;
strcat_s (flName, ".txt" ); //Catenate '.txt' to flName
ofstream ofile( flName ); //Stream out to file
if ( ofile.fail())
cout << "Failed Opening File!";
//Spit out Users input into the file!
ofile << " First Name: " << fName << "\n";
ofile << " Last Name: " << lName << "\n";
ofile << "Middle Name: " << mName << "\n";
ofile << " Full Name: " << catenate << "\n";
//Close the output stream
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "File Write Process Completed!" << endl;
cout << endl;
//Simple File Stream -> Reading from the file
//Read 1st: First Name
//Read 2nd: Last Name
//Read 3rd: Middle Name
//Read 4th: Whole Name
ifstream ifile( flName ); //Stream from file to screen/display
if ( ifile.fail())
cout << "Failed Opening File!";
//Pull out Users input from the file onto the screen/display!
string dispNewLine;
while (! ifile.eof())
getline( ifile, dispNewLine );
cout << dispNewLine << endl;
//Close the input stream
cout << endl;
cout << "File Read Process Completed!" << endl;
cout << "(O) - Open File or Exit - (E)" << endl;
cout << "Option: "; char choice; cin >> choice;
switch (choice)
case 'O':
case 'E':
return 0;
case 'o':
case 'e':
return 0;
cout << "Incorrect Key, try again" << endl;
cout << endl;
_getch(); //From <conio.h>
return 0;