Hello everyone, I've spent most of today working on a 16-bit interactive interface, and thought it'd be nice to share it with you all. :)
Assembled with NASM16
Has only been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7
There is A LOT of code that needs to be posted here . . .
What is it?
It's an interface framework -- Made to simplify the creation of 16-bit interfaces
FAQ from others I've shown it to:
How does this work? I mean, what am I supposed to do with this?
Answer: The files "Calls.asm" "Macros.asm" and "DS.asm" are to be used, however, DS.asm is not required.
Not much done, huh? It could use some work.
Answer: Well, I have only been working on it for a day. :)
Okay, before I begin posting all of my code and confusing you all, GUI.asm is the SAMPLE file (It shows what the framework is capable of), Compile.bat is the compiler that I wrote. The rest is the actual framework.
Some of this code is commented, some of it is not.. You may need some assembler experience to fully understand this. Sorry for not having it all commented, I hope to have this once I complete more.
To make this work correctly, place Compile.bat and GUI.asm in the same folder, also have your paths set correctly so that NASM16 can be called from the batch file.
Next, make a folder called "Data" in the same folder as Compile.bat, and place the following files into the "Data" folder.
@echo off
color 0a
set filename=GUI
if exist "%filename%.com" (
echo Deleting old files . . .
del %filename%.com
if exist "%filename%.asm" (
echo Compiling %filename%.asm
nasm16 %filename%.asm -o %filename%.com -l info.txt
echo OUTPUT: %filename%.com
) else (
echo Compile error: File does not exist "%filename%"
[org 0100h]
[section .text]
%include "Data/Macros.asm" ;Include framework macros
call clear
;Render buttons
button 5,32,button1,29h
button 10,32,button2,64h
button 15,32,button3,64h
call pause ;Wait for a keypress
if al,13,check_selection ;If key is ENTER, check which button is selected
ifnot ah,80,button1_select ;If key is not DOWN-ARROW, loop back to button1_select
button 5,32,button1,64h ;Re-render button 1 with default button colors
button 10,32,button2,29h ;Render button 2 with 'selected' colors
mov byte[buffer],'1' ;Increase button selection by 1
jmp button2_select
call pause ;Wait for a keypress
if al,13,check_selection ;If key is ENTER, check which button is selected
ifnot ah,80,button2_select ;If key is not DOWN-ARROW, loop back to button2_select
button 10,32,button2,64h ;Re-render button 2 with default colors
button 15,32,button3,29h ;Render button 3 with 'selected' colors
mov byte[buffer],'2' ;Increase button selection by 1
jmp button3_select
call pause ;Wait for a keypress
if al,13,check_selection ;If key is ENTER, check which button is selected
ifnot ah,80,button3_select ;If key is not DOWN-ARROW, loop back to button3_select
button 15,32,button3,64h ;Re-render button 3 with default colors
button 5,32,button1,29h ;Render button 1 with 'selected' colors
mov byte[buffer],'0' ;Reset selection buffer
jmp button1_select
if byte[buffer],'0',button1_selected
if byte[buffer],'1',button2_selected
if byte[buffer],'2',button3_selected
exit 1 ;If there was an error, exit with ERRORLEVEL 1
call clear ;Clear the screen
xor dx,dx
call cursor
mov dx,button1_select_text
call output ;Display "You selected button 1."
call pause ;Create a pause
call clear
call render_buttons
button 5,32,button1,29h
jmp button1_select ;It remembers which button was selected
call clear ;Clear the screen
xor dx,dx
call cursor
mov dx,button2_select_text
call output ;Display "You selected button 2."
call pause ;Create a pause
call clear
call render_buttons
button 10,32,button2,29h
jmp button2_select ;It remembers which button was selected
call clear ;Clear the screen
xor dx,dx
call cursor
mov dx,button3_select_text
call output ;Display "You selected button 3."
call pause ;Create a pause
call clear
call render_buttons
button 15,32,button3,29h
jmp button3_select ;It remembers which button was selected
%include "Data/Calls.asm" ;Include framework calls
[section .data]
%include "Data/DS.asm"
%macro exit 1
mov ah,4ch ;Function 4Cx21 - Exit with errorlevel
mov al,%1 ;Errorlevel passed to macro
int 21h ;Interrupt v21
%macro if 3
cmp %1,%2
je near %3
%macro ifnot 3
cmp %1,%2
jne near %3
%macro button 4
mov dh,%1 ;Start first column
mov dl,%2
call cursor
mov al,0
mov bl,%4
mov cx,buttonlength
call color
mov dx,button ;The top\bottoms of the button
call output
mov dh,%1 ;Start second column pt1
mov dl,%2
inc dh
call cursor
mov al,0 ;Character to display, 0 is NUL
mov bl,%4 ;Color attribute
mov cx,buttonlength ;The length of the button
call color
mov dx,buttonbyte ;Display a single brick
call output
mov dh,%1 ;Display another one, but position it farther to the right
mov dl,%2
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dl
inc dh
call cursor
mov dx,buttonbyte
call output
mov dh,%1 ;Start third column
mov dl,%2
inc dh
inc dh
call cursor
mov al,0
mov bl,%4
mov cx,buttonlength
call color
mov dx,button
call output
mov dh,%1 ;Display text
mov dl,%2
inc dl
inc dl
inc dh
call cursor
mov dx,%3
call output
mov ah,9 ;Function 9x21 - Display string
int 21h ;Interrupt v21
ret ;Return
mov ah,0 ;Function 0x16 - Pause and pass keyscan code into AX
int 16h ;Interrupt v10
ret ;Return
mov di,buffer ;Destination - Button buffer
mov cx,3 ;Store 3 bytes
xor al,al ;Clear AL to store a nul byte
cld ;Clear direction flag
rep stosb ;REPeat STOre-String-Byte sequence
ret ;Return
mov ah,2 ;Function 2x10 - Position hardware cursor
int 10h ;Interrupt v10 :::: DH = X:DL = Y
ret ;Return
mov ah,9 ;Function 9x10 - Write color attribute into memory
int 10h ;Interrupt v10 :::: CX = #to print : BL = Hex attribute : AL = Character to print
ret ;Return
xor dx,dx ;Set DH and DL to 0
call cursor ;Position the cursor
mov al,0 ;Nul character
mov bl,07h ;White on black color
mov cx,5000 ;5000 characters
call color ;Display 5000 characters
ret ;Return
button 5,32,button1,64h
button 10,32,button2,64h
button 15,32,button3,64h
DS.asm (Data segment for GUI.asm)::::::
;This is the data segment
button db 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, 0177, "$"
buttonbyte db 0177, "$"
buttonlength EQU $-button-3
selection db 0175, "$"
buffer db '0'
button1 db "Option 1", "$"
button2 db "Option 2", "$"
button3 db "Option 3", "$"
button1_select_text db "You selected button 1.", "$"
button2_select_text db "You selected button 2.", "$"
button3_select_text db "You selected button 3.", "$"
Enjoy, I hope someone out there learns something from this.