#Choose username and password
def regis():
userpass = open("userpass.txt","w")
userpass1 = userpass.write(raw_input("Please select a username: ") + "\n")
password1 = userpass.write(raw_input("Select a password: "))
#end of reg.py
# Should i import reg before this function or is it ok to do it in the function?
# This should read the file and allow you to login if your user and pass match the ones registered
# I am having trouble with these things:
# (A) The login prompt works completely fine with the file already created(registered user and pass)//
# - But not when the file hasn't been written//
# - I am trying to call the regis function (which works) ONLY IF the file has nothing in it/hasn't been created//
# (A-2) if i try to integrate registration into this file, as opposed to an import//
# - everything works as it is supposed to EXCEPT the login loops around on itself and continues to ask//
# - for the information after it has already confirmed it... not sure why, i tried messing with all my loops??
def login():
import reg
begin = open("userpass.txt", "w") # This is here because it would not use regis() if no file was ever created//
#-As opposed to just being an empty file.
username = open("userpass.txt", "r")
for line in username.readlines():
if line == 0: # - This will not call regis// ??works different when you call for amount of text in a file??
# opens the files... if there is data in the files it prompts for user and pass
# I have tried to different setups... either it doesn't load at all// when finished it loops the top of login()
username = open("userpass.txt", "r")
for line in username.readlines():
if line != 0:
a = username.readline()
b = username.readline()
e = 0
f = 0
u = raw_input("Username: ") + "\n"
while e == 0:
if u == a:
p = raw_input("Password: ")
while f == 0:
if p == b:
e = 1
f = 1
z = 1
print "You are now logged in as: " + a
f = 0
p = raw_input("Incorrect password... Try Again: ")
u = raw_input("Sorry that is not a registered username... Try again: ") + "\n"
e = 0
raw_input("End of test, press enter.")
Zemeus 0 Newbie Poster
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