Can you help me... I am trying to make a vbs file that when you open it, it automaticly takes up the full screen. Do you know a code that will do this?

In VB6.0 we would use something like screen.width and screen.height, but for VBS? Don't rightly know off hand...

Good Luck

if you just need to open it, you can use SHELL in vb, something like this...

Shell YourVBSFile, vbMaximizedFocus

Thanks, but when I entered that into the code "Shell Error, vbMaximizedFocus" I keep getting an error message saying that the error is on that line in the first digit. The file is named Error.vbs I tried putting in the file extention and both times I still got an error message. Help?

set objvoice=createobject("sapi.spvoice")
objvoice.speak strtext
Shell Error, vbMaximizedFocus
x=msgbox ("Screen test" ,0+16+4096, "Test")

if you just need to open it, you can use SHELL in vb, something like this...

Shell YourVBSFile, vbMaximizedFocus

hehe.. because that code is for VB6 and not for VBS... sorry..

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