just want to design a software that called reminder sofrware.
Its like resource project.And ı dont know even how to start.

Its gonna be a software that is designed to alert the user of important events that they have input to the program and the program provide a calendar and/or list view of events, as well as a reminding technique.
its going to record data and show us as we wish by daily,weekly,monthy,yearly.

its look very easy software but i havent work anything like that before.ANd ı dont know what to do .
I only know c and not much but some c++.

As s thing that its better to not use any database just bec of the person who will gonna use it ,maybe he dont have install sql or something in his/her computer that way the use just file.

I can design GUI maybe in visual basic which i am studying know :).(if u have any good /easy way pls tell me)
But how do i gonna take the data how how how.
And how do ı gonna use text file here to record data ,see the data and modify the data.
Thank you

>>As s thing that its better to not use any database just bec of the person who will gonna use it ,maybe he dont have install sql or something in his/her computer that way the use just file.

You could use SqLite, which is completely embedded in your program and does not require any installation.

How to store the data should probably be the least of your problems. How do you plan to altert the user when an appointment time is up? Do you plan to pop up a message box over the top of whatever he is doing at the time, such as in the middle of playing a game and beating up the bad monster? What will happen if the computer is turned off and the alert is missed?

You need to do a lot of designing on this program before you even think about coding the first line. Write down your ideas on paper, or in a text document.


This can be very good examle that what i need.
Till now i havent done any project like this.I have only write code for basis mathematical formula in c.

There in no pop massege need to be ist have to so simple.
just get the event(anniversary,birtday,paying rent,going to doctor etc=daily event,weekly,monthly,yearly events)whenever user open the program its show the next event and by clicking button maybe its gonna show daily event,weekly,monthly,yearly events .

What will happen if the computer is turned off and the alert is missed?

Nothing its just past it .
More detaily;this gonna be data field.

Concerned (20)
Date (10)
Event (20)
DaysBefore (2)
Active (1)
Remark (50)
Automatic Record Termination (2)

And these functionalties;
Adding a new event to file
Deleting desired record
Record Modification
List and Sort facilities
List: All, Today, Tomorrow, Next 9 Days, This Month, Next Month
Sort: Concerned, Event, Date
Program must have two sections (management and event-check)
Common Dates (New Year, Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day)
Program must be able to check events (i) On Date, (ii) Annually, (iii) Monthly and
(iv) Weekly.

You need to start learning Windows Forms programming, e.g. either C++/CLR, C#, or VB.NET. That program can be written in any of those languages. You can also write it with just C, but it will be pretty difficult and time consuming.

Time period is not much.Can u suggection me a e-book or tutarion or something to start.I dont have any experıence about this.And ı dont have much time to finish it.
Tahnk you

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