Can anyone teach me how to calculate a mouse click? I need to do a data insertion into MSFlexGrid.

The flow is like this:

1:the data will read a text file and input all the data into column 0
2: when user wants to input again, it will be put into column 1 will be like this

first data insertion

|Column 0|Column 1|Column 2|
|DATA | | |
|DATA | | |
|DATA | | |
|DATA | | |

second click

|Column 0|Column 1|Column 2|

third click

|Column 0|Column 1|Column 2|

and so on....thank you in advance....your help is much appreciated.....thank you

Maybe it doesn't have to be mouse presses. Maybe it could be how many times the command button has been pressed.

Allow me to rephrase my first post.

The user will click the command button to input the data into the MSFlexgrid.
Then the user will click again for the data to be inserted but it will be inserted into the column next to it and the process repeats itself.

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