please help me to get the month only from system.
which mean the program dont need to display time , day and also year.
how to do with it?
i only know to display date.
urgent, assignment needed.
thanks alot first.

What have you tried so far? What kind of results are you currently getting? We can't even begin to help until we know what you have and what you've tried.

I wrote this DateClass some time ago, see if you find a use for it. Study carefully and
you might find what you wanted.

#pragma once

#ifndef DATE_TIME_H_
#define DATE_TIME_H_

#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include "CommonFunction.h"

using std::string;

typedef unsigned long ulong;

struct DateInfo{			
	ulong seconds;//current seconds
	ulong minutes;//current minutes
	ulong hours;//current hours
	ulong year; //current year
	ulong dayOfMonth; //current day of month [1-31]
	ulong dayOfYear; //current day of year since januaray 1st [0-365]
	ulong monthOfYear; //current month of the year [ 0 - 11 ]

	string day; //current day [mon-sun]
	string month; //current month [jan-dec ]

	string meridiem()const{ return (_amFlag? "AM" : "PM" ); }	

	DateInfo(bool isAm = false) : month(), day(), year(), hours(), minutes(), seconds(), _amFlag(isAm) {
	bool _amFlag;

class DateTime{
	typedef time_t TimeType;	
	typedef tm TimeInfo;
	DateInfo dateInfo;	
	DateTime(){ _initDate(); }
	const DateInfo& info(){ 
		return dateInfo; 
	void _initDate(){
		TimeType rawTime = TimeType();
		TimeInfo info = TimeInfo();
		time( &rawTime );
		info = *(localtime(&rawTime) );		
		dateInfo = DateInfo(info.tm_hour < 12 ); //check if its am or pm

		dateInfo.seconds = info.tm_sec;
		dateInfo.minutes = info.tm_min;
		dateInfo.hours = _converToRegularTime( info.tm_hour );

		dateInfo.dayOfMonth = info.tm_mday;
		dateInfo.dayOfYear = info.tm_yday;
		dateInfo.monthOfYear = info.tm_mon + 1; //offset so jan = 1, feb = 2 ...

		dateInfo.year = _startYear() + info.tm_year; = _convertToDay( info.tm_wday );
		dateInfo.month = _convertToMonth( info.tm_mon );
	const int _startYear()const{
		return 1900;
	string _convertToDay(int dayNum)const{
		string day = "INVALID";
		switch( dayNum ){
			case 0 : day =  "SUNDAY"; break;				
			case 1 : day =  "MONDAY"; break;
			case 2 : day =  "TUESDAY"; break;
			case 3 : day =  "WENESDAY"; break;
			case 4 : day =  "THURSDAY"; break;
			case 5 : day =  "FRIDAY"; break;
			case 6 : day =  "SATURDAY"; break;			
		return day;
	string _convertToMonth(int monthNum)const{
		string month = "INVALID";
			case 0 : month = "JANUARY"; break;
			case 1 : month = "FEBRUARY"; break;
			case 2 : month = "MARCH"; break;
			case 3 : month = "APRIL"; break;
			case 4 : month = "MAY"; break;
			case 5 : month = "JUNE"; break;
			case 6 : month = "JULY"; break;
			case 7 : month = "AUGUST"; break;
			case 8 : month = "SEPTEMBER"; break;
			case 9 : month = "OCTOBER"; break;
			case 10 : month = "NOVEMBER"; break;
			case 11 : month = "DECEMBER"; break;
		return month;
	ulong _converToRegularTime(ulong hr)const{
		return (12 + hr) % 23;

//utility functions

//format : day/month/year  = dd/mm/yyyy
string convertToDateFormat(const DateInfo& info){	
	return    convertTo<string>( info.dayOfMonth) + "/"
			+ convertTo<string>( info.monthOfYear) + "/"
			+ convertTo<string> ( info.year );

//format : hour:minutes:sec:meridiem = hh:mm:ss:meridiem
string convertToTimeFormat(const DateInfo& info){
	return    convertTo<string>( info.hours) + ":"
			+ convertTo<string>( info.minutes) + ":"
			+ convertTo<string> ( info.seconds ) + " "
			+ info.meridiem();

i had tried to seach sources in internet.
but mostly is display in date.
firstPerson : is that simplest way source code? so far im just a sem 1 and year 1 diploma student, and also i learnt till nested-loop only. (:

by the way,
my software is Microsoft Visual C++
and i tried your source code, when compile it show me a error which is
"c:\program files\microsoft visual studio\vc98\include\eh.h(32) : fatal error C1189: #error : "eh.h is only for C++!"
Error executing cl.exe."

what it mean?
thanks anyway bro.

Get a timestamp using time(), convert it to the string representation using ctime(), then tokenize the string using strtok(). If you want the month, you'll need the second token.

Get a timestamp using time(), convert it to the string representation using ctime(), then tokenize the string using strtok(). If you want the month, you'll need the second token.

i had try my best to follow yours.
but i still can't solve the problem.
i try to share with you my code is easy to help me (:

//To Use printf Function
#include <stdio.h>
//To Use Maths Method Calculations
#include <math.h>
//To Use Show Date
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
//To Change The Color Of Text
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream.h>
void main()
//Define Constant
#define EPF_rates 0.11

	//Variable Declaration
	double basic_income, gross_income, net_pay, epf, commission, allowance;
	double num_total = 1, total = 0, highest = 0;
	int monthly_sales, number_person, percent, num_top;
	int counter = 1;
	char name[31], id[6], designation[21], gender;
	//User Input
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 10); // Change Colour Of Text 
	printf("\t\t\t~~~ WYNE Sdn. Bhd ~~~\t\t\t\n");
	SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 14); // Change Colour Of Text
	printf("Enter number of sales person : ");
	scanf("%d", &number_person);
	if(number_person > 0 )
		while(number_person >= counter)
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 10); // Change Colour Of Text 
		printf("\t\t\t~~~ WYNE Sdn. Bhd ~~~\t\t\t\n");
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 6); // Change Colour Of Text
		printf("Sales person #%d\n", counter);
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 11); // Change Colour Of Text
		printf("Enter salesperson name : \a");
		scanf("%[^\n]s", &name);
		printf("Enter salesperson ID [5 characters] : \a");
		scanf("%s", &id);
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 10); //Change Colour Of Text
		printf("Enter designation : \a");
		scanf("%[^\n]s", &designation);
		printf("Enter gender [M/F] : \a");
		scanf("%c", &gender);
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 13); //Change Colour Of Text
		printf("Basic Income  : RM \a"); // To Get User Basic Income
		printf("Monthly Sales : RM \a"); // To Get User Monthly Sales
		scanf("%d", &monthly_sales);

		if(monthly_sales >= 50000)
			commission = (ceil((monthly_sales * 12 / 100)*10))/10;
			percent = 12;
			allowance = 300;
		else if(monthly_sales < 50000 && monthly_sales >= 25000)
			commission = (ceil((monthly_sales * 8 / 100)*10))/10;
			percent = 8;
			allowance = 200;
			commission = (ceil((monthly_sales * 5 / 100)*10))/10;
			percent = 5;			
			allowance = 100;

		gross_income = basic_income + allowance + commission; // To Calculate The Amount Of Gross Income	
		epf = EPF_rates * gross_income; // To Calculate The Amount Of EPF
		net_pay = gross_income - epf; // To Calculate The Total Amount

		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 10); //Change The Color Of Text
		printf("\t\t\t~~~ WYNE Sdn. Bhd ~~~\t\t\t\n");
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 11);
		printf("Sales Person %d\n", counter);
		printf("Name	: %s			Month      : %B\n",name, );
		printf("Staff ID: %s			Designation: %s\n", id, designation);

		//Change The Color Of Text
		SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), 14);
		printf("|               Description             |     Amount (RM) |\n");									
		printf("|  Basic Income				|	%-3.2f	  |\n", basic_income);
		printf("|  Allowance				|	%-3.2f	  |\n", allowance);
		printf("|  Monthly Sales : RM %d	        |    	          |\n", monthly_sales);
		printf("|  Commission (%d%%)			|	%-3.2f	  |\n", percent, commission);
		printf("|  Gross Pay	                      	|	%-3.2f   |\n", gross_income);
		printf("|  EPF (11%%)                         	|	%-3.2f    |\n", epf);
		printf("\t\t\t	Net Pay |	%-3.2f	  |\n", net_pay);
		printf("\t\t\t		+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+\n");

there is the month that i want display a string type like "JANUARY" "FEBRUARY" and so on as well.

i can already..
but i no using you gave to me code. sorry about that.
about how i solve it.
here is the code:

time_t rawtime;
  struct tm * timeinfo;
  char month [80];

  time ( &rawtime );
  timeinfo = localtime ( &rawtime );

  strftime (month,80,"%B"timeinfo);
  printf("Month : %s\n", month);

it works anyway (: thank you all guys so much (:

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