I'm working on a C program that needs a lot of dynamic memory allocation of 1-D and 2-D arrays.

The program works fine when I compile and run it using windows and Visual C++, but when I compile and run it in a Unix environment, I get slightly different results, and a message at the end of my results saying 'Segmentation fault'.

The programs are identical, so I don't know why I don't get the same results in both instances. I'm sure that it has something to do with the dynamic memory allocation.

Please help!

Could you post the program...

It's too long winded to put up all the code, but here's the main guts of it...
Again, I don't think there's a problem with the code. It works fine in windows. But there must be some unix command I'm leaving out. I'm not too hot with unix, but I've been adding the '-lm' tag so that it'll compile with the "math.h" header file.

/* dynamically declare array to store tiangular matrices */
lower_tri = (float **)malloc(sizeof(float *)*(dimention));
for(i =0; i < dimention; ++i)
	lower_tri[i] = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*(i+1));

/* initialise triangular matrix to zero */
for(i =0; i < dimention; ++i)
	for(j =0; j <= i+1; ++j)
		lower_tri[i][j] = 0;                                            

/* calculate the rest of lower triangular matrix */
for(j =0; j < dimention; ++j) {
	for(i =j; i < dimention; ++i) {
		/* find corresponding non zero value (if any) */
		for(k = xadj[j]; k < xadj[j+1]; ++k)
			if(adj[k] == i)
				lower_tri[i][j] = values[k];
for(k = j-1; k >= 0; --k)
			lower_tri[i][j] -= lower_tri[i][k]*lower_tri[j][k];

		if(i == j)	/* diagonal term */
			lower_tri[i][j] = (float)sqrt(lower_tri[i][j]);
		else		/* off diagonal term */
			lower_tri[i][j] /= lower_tri[j][j];

If it works on MS-Windows its just by dump luck

>>line 17: lower_tri[j] = values[k];
Look at line 4 and tell me how many floats are allocated to each row of lower_tri array. Answer: Row #0 is 1 float, row #1 is 2 floats, row #3 is 3 floats etc. That means line 17 is writing beyond the boundries of the array.

You're correct about the way lower_tri is allocated, but I don't believe it's writing beyond the boundary.

It's writing down each column rather than across each row.

Line 12&13

for(j =0; j < dimention; ++j) {	
for(i =j; i < dimention; ++i)

What you have created is an array in the shape of a right triangle instead of a rectangle. Which is unusual, and now you have unused elements of the array. That may be what you intend, I don't know.

And yes, that isn't the answer to the problem. Use your debuger and fid out what is causing it.

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