The following project is considered appropriate for a graduation dissertation in Computer Science
Graduation project if the supervising professor is good in Java
An English Word Statistics in Java
The function may include:
1. To ask client to select a text file to open (FileDialog would be good to start with)
2. To read the opened file word by word so that a String array/linked list(or other structures such as Vector…) may store each word with its frequency (i.e. the time of appearance of a word on the file).
3. Create a GUI where a Textarea (JtextArea would be good) instance showing whole text and conresponding outcomes upon requests
4. Upon sorting request by client, all the words will be shown in the textarea in a descending/ ascending order, or in terms of appearing frequency
5. Upon search request, a client will be asked to submit a word to be searched. In return, in the text area the outcome will indicate whether the word is found or not. If it is found, the appearance frequency will be shown as well.
6. The result and other messages could be saved/stored in a new file upon request upon request.
7. May receive “quit” request from client so that the program terminates.
8. The GUI should thus have several JButtons better with ImageIcon for the sake of aesthetics for submitting different requests by the client
The dissertation may include brief introduction to the UNICODE, the capability of word processing in Java. Of course, the discussion may extend the words prosecced to other langues, such as Chinese, Korea, Japanese, Russain, and so on, if the professor is also interested in other languages.
Please provide comments and suggestion for such kind of a project.