Hello, I could use a spot of help today.
I am very new to python (n00b) and I have a rather specific Issue I am trying to resolve.
This problem can be solved using ArcGIS (for those who know it) I simply desire to know more about python so I want to solve it using python.
Problem: I have a data set that has some QA/QC issues that I am trying to locate. The data has an X and Y location value an ID value and an Elevation value. I have organized the data into a .csv file. I have successfully got the file to read in using the csv module. I essentially need to compare each Item in a list to every other item in the list. If there is a discrepancy I want that Item wrote to a new file. I ideally wish this program to run on a data set approx 60,000 entries.
I cannot get the program to Iterate through the list in the manner I desire so I could use some pointers on how logically that can be done. I also cannot get the output file to have more then 1 line of output.
Here is my code so far.
#This program will asses elevation in the following way. The user will determine the
#file path, then the user will also determine the buffer area and a limit to the
#differnece in elevation. Then the program will read, and assess
#the elevations for that buffer distance around each point. The end result is
#a file that contains the suspect entries.
#Import Libraries
import string
import math
import fileinput
import os
import anydbm
import sys
import csv
print "Hello USER! Please enter the filepath of the database you wish to check!"
filename = raw_input(">>>")
print "enter the size of the buffer you want (We are Using the Bottom of the well as the coordinate)"
pointbuff = raw_input(">>>")
pointbuff= float(pointbuff)
print "enter the ammount of elevation tolerance (in feet)"
elevation = raw_input(">>>")
print '......Working'
elevation = float(elevation)
temp = list()
test = list()
x1 = float()
x2 = float()
y1 = float()
y2 = float()
elev1 = float()
elev2= float()
count = int()
count = 0
#Test and export data function
def tester(x=float(),y = float(),elev = int(), g=list()):
read1 = csv.reader(open(filename, 'rb'))
for row in read1:
test = row
x2 = test[1]
if x2 == "":
x2 = 0
x2 = float(x2)
y2 = test[2]
if y2 == "":
y2 = 0
y2= float(y2)
elev2 = test[3]
if elev2 == "":
elev2 = 0
elev2 = float(elev2)
#test if other point is in buffer
if x1 <= (x2 + pointbuff) or x1 >= (x2 - pointbuff) and y1 <= (y2 + pointbuff) or y1 >= (y2 - pointbuff):
if ((abs(elev1)) - (abs(elev2))) >= elevation:
f = open("G:\TESTOUTPUT.txt", 'w')
A = g
A = str(A)
test = str(test)
print A
def readit():
read = csv.reader(open(filename, 'rb'))
for row in read:
temp = row
x1 = temp[1]
if x1 == "":
x1 = 0
x1 = float(x1)
y1 = temp[2]
if y1 == "":
y1 = 0
y1 = float(y1)
elev1 = temp[3]
if elev1 == "":
elev1 = 0
elev1 = float(elev1)
print 'DONE!'
here is some sample data I am using
30952 594635.24 200621.13 0
22500 598647.51 170513.26 -2191
31634 603679.17 171486.24 -2255
22734 606320.46 177526.04 -2459
22842 605912.11 177952.72 -2481
44528 688937.27 202291.1 -2780
44528 688937.27 202291.1 -2943
28509 613899.93 162957.46 -2041
44528 688937.27 202291.1 -2921
59268 594188.52 200371.53 -2971
59268 594188.52 200371.53 -2969
58687 593467.84 199357.6 -2937
58687 593467.84 199357.6 -2927
40672 592204.28 200947.08 -2961
40672 592204.28 200947.08 -2960
1111111 592204.28 202291.1 0
I appologize for the quality of the code but as I said before Im very new to this
Many thanks,