Kanoisa 52 Posting Whiz in Training

Hi guys

I had an idea for a fun project i would like to try, but i really have no idea where to start reading about the api's data formats and the likes.

What i want to do

I would like to make an application as the start of an embedded system which would involve using a webcam and controlling some motors and some maths. It will be a little (or big) robot which uses a webcam to identify "targets" (they would be like paper circles with a red cross) and then it will use ultrasound range finding to identify the target range and shoot it :).

So to start i would like just to write an series of applications to the following effect

1: display webcam stream on screen (hopefully trivial)
2: target recognition
3: distance finding
4: robot movement and terrain scanning
5: puting it all together

Im fairly confident in the embedded side of things such as geting the sensor data for range finding etc but i have no idea about geting the webcam feed or processing that data to recognise things.

what im looking for from this thread

If anyone can suggest how i can find out how i can get my webcam data (its a logitech one) command structures and the likes as well, what kind of data format i will be working with, and as i have no expierence in video formats or processing them if you can suggest where i would look for this information and maybe some tutorials of the basics.

If anyone has seen any projects that are similar with code i could look at can you link them, and if you fancy playing with this project and want to get onboard then send me a pm

also any suggestions/ opinions on this project are also appreciated

Many thanks in advance guys