I'm currently working in another thread to find a better conversion method

here's my script:

Name: 'Brawl (.mdl0)...'
Blender: 248
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import a Brawl model file (.mdl0)'
__author__= ['Tcll']
__url__ = ("")
__version__= '0.015'
__bpydoc__= '''\
mdl0 Importer
# Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Importing modules

import struct as S
import Blender

def HexToDec(n):
	return float(S.unpack("<h", S.pack("<H", int((n.encode('hex')), 16)))[0])

def readvert(v):
	x, y, z = (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001)
	v = v - 1
	return x, y, z

def import_mdl0(path):
	name = path.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]
	mesh = Blender.NMesh.New( name ) # create a new mesh
	# parse the file
	mdl0 = open(path, 'rb')
	if (mdl0.read(4).__str__() == "MDL0"):#MDL0 Magic
		print "mdl0 is vald"
		h02 = mdl0.read(4) #0x04(4)		MDL0 Size
		h03 = mdl0.read(4) #0x08(4)		Sections
		h04 = mdl0.read(4) #0x0C(4)		Model Nodes Offset
		h05 = mdl0.read(4) #0x10(4)		Definitions List
		h06 = mdl0.read(4) #0x14(4)		Bones List
		h07 = mdl0.read(4) #0x18(4)		Vertices List
		h08 = mdl0.read(4) #0x1C(4)		Normals List
		h09 = mdl0.read(4) #0x20(4)		Colors List
		h10 = mdl0.read(4) #0x24(4)		UV Points List
		h11 = mdl0.read(4) #0x28(4)		Materials 1 List
		h12 = mdl0.read(4) #0x2C(4)		Materials 2 List
		h13 = mdl0.read(4) #0x30(4)		Polygons List
		h14 = mdl0.read(4) #0x34(4)		Textures 1 List
		h15 = mdl0.read(4) #0x38(4)		Textures 2 List
		h16 = mdl0.read(4) #0x3C(4)		Model Name Offset
		h17 = mdl0.read(4) #0x40(4)		Header Length
		h18 = mdl0.read(4) #0x44(4)		Header Offset
		h19 = mdl0.read(4) #0x48(4)		Unknown 1
		h20 = mdl0.read(4) #0x4C(4)		Unknown 2
		h21 = mdl0.read(4) #0x50(4)		# of Vertices
		h22 = mdl0.read(4) #0x54(4)		# of Faces
		h23 = mdl0.read(4) #0x58(4)		Unknown 3
		h24 = mdl0.read(4) #0x5C(4)		# of Nodes
		h25 = mdl0.read(4) #0x60(4)		Version
		h26 = mdl0.read(2) #0x62(2)		Unknown 4
		h27 = mdl0.read(2) #0x64(2)		Unknown 5
		h28 = mdl0.read(4) #0x68(4)		Box Min. X
		h29 = mdl0.read(4) #0x6C(4)		Box Min. Y
		h30 = mdl0.read(4) #0x70(4)		Box Min. Z
		h31 = mdl0.read(4) #0x74(4)		Box Max. X
		h32 = mdl0.read(4) #0x78(4)		Box Max. Y
		h33 = mdl0.read(4) #0x7C(4)		Box Max. Z
		h34 = mdl0.read(4) #0x80(4)		# of Nodes (Copy?)
		a = 0
			x, y, z = (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001)
			v = "v "+(x).__str__()+" "+(y).__str__()+" "+(z).__str__()
			if (v == 'v 0.0 0.0 0.0'):
				a = 1
			mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(x, y, z))

		print "file is not in mdl0 fomat"

	# link the mesh to a new object
	ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', name) # Mesh must be spelled just this--it is a specific type
	ob.link(mesh) # tell the object to use the mesh we just made
	scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	for o in scn.getChildren():
		o.sel = 0
	scn.link(ob) # link the object to the current scene
	ob.sel= 1
	ob.Layers = scn.Layers
Blender.Window.FileSelector(import_mdl0, 'Import')

I'm afraid this doesn't work correctly at the moment...

here's what I use to test the verts:

Name: 'Brawl (.mdl0)...'
Blender: 248
Group: 'Import'
Tooltip: 'Import a Brawl model file (.mdl0)'
__author__= ['Tcll']
__url__ = ("")
__version__= '0.015'
__bpydoc__= '''\
mdl0 Importer
# Script copyright (C) Bob Holcomb 
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Importing modules

import struct as S
import Blender

def HexToDec(n):
	h = float(S.unpack("<h", S.pack("<H", int((n.encode('hex')), 16)))[0])
#	while (h > 127): # uncomment this code for better results:
#		h = h*(1/256)
	return h

def import_mdl0(path):
	name = path.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]
	mesh = Blender.NMesh.New( name ) # create a new mesh
	# parse the file
	mdl0 = open(path, 'rb')

	a = 0
		x, y, z = (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001), (HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001)
		v = "v "+(x).__str__()+" "+(y).__str__()+" "+(z).__str__()
		if (v == 'v 0.0 0.0 0.0'):
			a = 1
		mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(x, y, z))


	# link the mesh to a new object
	ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', name) # Mesh must be spelled just this--it is a specific type
	ob.link(mesh) # tell the object to use the mesh we just made
	scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	for o in scn.getChildren():
		o.sel = 0
	scn.link(ob) # link the object to the current scene
	ob.sel= 1
	ob.Layers = scn.Layers
Blender.Window.FileSelector(import_mdl0, 'Import')

the commented code shows you all the verts (jumbled),
image: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_IteXPmeC6ek/TEM0aOaSWNI/AAAAAAAABSI/TuaDipSUil8/vert.jpg
while uncommenting it shows you about 10 verts (clean).
image: http://lh6.ggpht.com/_IteXPmeC6ek/TES3ybhIrrI/AAAAAAAABS0/9vcAJLZtvio/progress.jpg

export a vert selection from an mdl0 file with Brawlbox, and impoort that file...
(make sure to add about 2 lines of '00' to the end of the file in a hex editor before importing)

the attatchment below is not a pdf file
it's the vert export I used
import directly into blender
(zero's are already added)

I have some comments on your code.

import struct as S
import Blender

def HexToDec(n):
	#return float(S.unpack("<h", S.pack("<H", int((n.encode('hex')), 16)))[0])
	#jcao219:  please keep lines short, so it is readable
	nhex = int(n.encode('hex'), 16)
	packed = S.pack("<H", nhex)
	unpacked = S.unpack("<h", packed)[0]
	return float(unpacked)

def readvert(v):  #jcao219:where do you use this function?
	#jcao219: ideally, you should have    def readvert(v, mdl0):
	x, y, z = HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001, HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001, HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001
	v = v - 1  #jcao219: changing v here doesn't do anything... this is too C-like
	return x, y, z
	#jcao219: name mdl0 doesn't exist

def import_mdl0(path):
	name = path.split('\\')[-1].split('/')[-1]  #jcao219:i'm not sure what you are doing here
	mesh = Blender.NMesh.New( name ) # create a new mesh
	# parse the file
	mdl0 = open(path, 'rb')
	if (mdl0.read(4) == "MDL0"):#MDL0 Magic  jcao219: no need for str()
		print "mdl0 is valid"
		h02 = mdl0.read(4) #0x04(4)		MDL0 Size
		h03 = mdl0.read(4) #0x08(4)		Sections
		h04 = mdl0.read(4) #0x0C(4)		Model Nodes Offset
		h05 = mdl0.read(4) #0x10(4)		Definitions List
		h06 = mdl0.read(4) #0x14(4)		Bones List
		h07 = mdl0.read(4) #0x18(4)		Vertices List   jcao219: these are pointers?
		h08 = mdl0.read(4) #0x1C(4)		Normals List
		h09 = mdl0.read(4) #0x20(4)		Colors List
		h10 = mdl0.read(4) #0x24(4)		UV Points List
		h11 = mdl0.read(4) #0x28(4)		Materials 1 List
		h12 = mdl0.read(4) #0x2C(4)		Materials 2 List
		h13 = mdl0.read(4) #0x30(4)		Polygons List
		h14 = mdl0.read(4) #0x34(4)		Textures 1 List
		h15 = mdl0.read(4) #0x38(4)		Textures 2 List
		h16 = mdl0.read(4) #0x3C(4)		Model Name Offset
		h17 = mdl0.read(4) #0x40(4)		Header Length
		h18 = mdl0.read(4) #0x44(4)		Header Offset
		h19 = mdl0.read(4) #0x48(4)		Unknown 1
		h20 = mdl0.read(4) #0x4C(4)		Unknown 2
		h21 = mdl0.read(4) #0x50(4)		# of Vertices
		h22 = mdl0.read(4) #0x54(4)		# of Faces
		h23 = mdl0.read(4) #0x58(4)		Unknown 3
		h24 = mdl0.read(4) #0x5C(4)		# of Nodes
		h25 = mdl0.read(4) #0x60(4)		Version
		h26 = mdl0.read(2) #0x62(2)		Unknown 4
		h27 = mdl0.read(2) #0x64(2)		Unknown 5
		h28 = mdl0.read(4) #0x68(4)		Box Min. X
		h29 = mdl0.read(4) #0x6C(4)		Box Min. Y
		h30 = mdl0.read(4) #0x70(4)		Box Min. Z
		h31 = mdl0.read(4) #0x74(4)		Box Max. X
		h32 = mdl0.read(4) #0x78(4)		Box Max. Y
		h33 = mdl0.read(4) #0x7C(4)		Box Max. Z
		h34 = mdl0.read(4) #0x80(4)		# of Nodes (Copy?)
		a = 0
		while not a:  #jcao219: this is a better way to write the code
			x, y, z = HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001, HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001, HexToDec(mdl0.read(2))* 0.001
			v = "v "+str(x)+" "+str(y)+" "+str(z)  #never call magic methods directly! use str()
			if (v == 'v 0.0 0.0 0.0'):
				a = 1
			mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(x, y, z))

		print "file is not in mdl0 fomat"
	mdl0.close()  #jcao219: always close!

	# link the mesh to a new object
	ob = Blender.Object.New('Mesh', name) # Mesh must be spelled just this--it is a specific type
	ob.link(mesh) # tell the object to use the mesh we just made
	scn = Blender.Scene.GetCurrent()
	for o in scn.getChildren():
		o.sel = 0
	scn.link(ob) # link the object to the current scene
	ob.sel= 1
	ob.Layers = scn.Layers
Blender.Window.FileSelector(import_mdl0, 'Import')


h = h * (1/256)

just zeros h.
Why do you want that?

the readvert function is not used yet...
it was an update to be used for later...

as for the h thing
try this:

def HexToDec(n):
	h = float(S.unpack("<h", S.pack("<H", int((n.encode('hex')), 16)))[0])
	while (h > 127): # uncomment this code for better results:
		h = h*(1/256)
 	return h

this takes vert offsets > 127 and multiplies them by (1/256)

sry my code is such a mess...
I'm not the best of programmers yet...

that was the code that works perfectly on Melee's dat files

the readvert function is not used yet...
it was an update to be used for later...

as for the h thing
try this:

def HexToDec(n):
	h = float(S.unpack("<h", S.pack("<H", int((n.encode('hex')), 16)))[0])
	while (h > 127): # uncomment this code for better results:
		h = h*(1/256)
 	return h

I assume you are using python 2 because str.encode('hex') only works for 2.
in that case, 1/256 = 0 and 0*h makes h 0.

was editing my comment when you posted...
have you even tried blender?
I'll try your script in blender and see how that works...

was editing my comment when you posted...
have you even tried blender?
I'll try your script in blender and see how that works...

okay, i'll assume that Blender uses Python 2.x but makes divisions convert to float.

You should probably do h /= 256 instead, which is the same but more concise.

okay, i'll assume that Blender uses Python 2.x but makes divisions convert to float.

You should probably do h /= 256 instead, which is the same but more concise.

blender 2.49b uses 2.6

and thanx :D
could never understand that until recently...

btw, your code works :D
but no differant from mine really :/

I deleted that readvert function, now realizing it won't work...

I'm just curious, what are you working on right now?

the title says it all :P

You should probably do h /= 256 instead, which is the same but more concise.

overlooked this last time...

you mean: h *= (1/256)

overlooked this last time...

you mean: h *= (1/256)

h = 0 would be more concise in Python 2. Or do you mean h /= 256.0 ?
Or are you making something, which should use divmod?

(1 / 256)*h = (0.00390625)*h

it doesn't convert correctly when I replace the (1/256) with float(0.00390625)
float(0.00390625) does nothing in the sence where (1/256) does

that being said...
IDK why float(0.00390625) doesn't work...

If you have Python 2 you should get same result with 0 as with 1/256 and float(0)=0.0. I think you are not using

from __future__ import division

Maybe you should start to use that and use // when you need integer results.


print 1/256*h

in code before assignment and

print h

after the assignment and see the results in console if you do not believe. 1/256 == 0 in Python 2 irrespective what type of h we have.

>>> h=123
>>> h=1/256*h
>>> h
>>> float(1/256)
>>> h=123
>>> h/=256.0
>>> h


blender 2.49b requires the use of Python 2.6 to run scripts
otherwise you can only use it's scripts

1/256 = 0.00390625 (!= 0)

every number counts

can someone please help me make progress??

I've got a bunch of impatient people on my end demending me to make progress...

enough with this nonsence...
int(1/256) = 0
(1/256) = 0.004 (using Wii to reply)

now let's just leave that alone KK
the h is the invalad vert offset getting multiplied by (1/256)

now I really need some help...

just posting the links to all the forums I'm working with this on

forum links (to threads):

Smashboards: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=280525
Emutalk: http://emutalk.net/showthread.php?t=51196
My forum: http://tcll5850.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=bpy&action=display&thread=25&page=1
KC-MM: http://forums.kc-mm.com/index.php?topic=11466.0
Daniweb: http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread302929.html

(public post (every link is included))

Member Avatar for LucarioIsMyPoke

what do we do with the script?

what do we do with the script?


you've hit up on one of my old threads... :P

but to answer your Q, you put it in your blender scripts directory...
although it's only valid for 248a to 249b...
(25 and 26 use a different script system)

I do intend to pick up development on this again,
but right now, I'm a little overloaded... heh

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