Hello everyone! I'm new here. I'm currently working on a project.
The concept is that I created a shell script that will query information, then I will use VB to get the data retrieved by the shell script and put it in a text file. I do not know how to use VB to get the data from the text file and import it to the fields in MS Access.
Hoping for your favorable response

you want to read a line of text from a text file then import it to access?..

you can use the OPEN function

Dim f as Integer, ReadedLine as string, Content as string
f = FreeFile()
Open "YourFile.txt" For Input as #f
Do While EOF(f)
Line Input #f, ReadedLine
Content = Content + ReadedLine
Close #f

Something like that..
Then Content variable will have all readed line from yourText.txt, all you have to do is save it to Access....

Hope this helps you...

Thank you very much.
I'll work on this code.

Your welcome.. :)

PLease mark the thread if your problem is solve...

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