Im brand new to programming, ive only been doing it for couple weeks. Im having trouble learning functions(or methods) and classes. I really need some problems i can work towards myself to learn this stuff, but there is nothing like that anywhere. Its all just the same tutorials and them spitting out code and not explaining it well enough to me.

Ive done like 4 problems on project euler, but that was just good for learning looping and some number usage, the rest is too hard really. Does anyone know of any site or lesson that gives you a problem to solve?

I need to learn visual studio, sql,, and building and maintaining databases, how can i best do this?

Im using the visual studio 2010 professional, and ive got 72 days left out of the 90 day trial.

I need to learn visual studio, sql,, and building and maintaining databases, how can i best do this?

If that is what you want to do then why not set your self a problem?
Create a DB to store some information of interest to you. (E.g. Document your collection of xyz.)
Try to create a Win form app and/or an ASP web app to access the DB.

Well i think I am with nick.crane you should create like a book store yourself put some table that then you can query by category, author, language, country etc. and start playing making updates etc. and then come up with more specific questions. some people like to see some real productivity soon, if that is your case i recommend you using LINQ. there is some tool that generate classes for you base on your database, and you can get some real code fast and good.

but it is always nice to see how everything works in details.

You make it sound so easy. Hey yeah just go and make a book store with queries and oh yeah go use LINQ.

In all reality, you have to know things to do any of that. How do i learn how to make a database using visual studio, how do i connect to it, what is LINQ and where do i find it. Nothing is as straightforward as you make it sound.

Do you think you can just go into a program and do something with something you know nothing about?

I dont think anyone anywhere knows how to look at it from a beginners point of view and thats why most tutorials arent that great. And if i just go around generating code, then i wont really know how anything works will i?

well men i do not want make you feel bad either, i know is not easy at the beginning thats why we have to read a lot. and maybe linq is not the best option to start but with reading a little bit, i bet you anyone can get somereal work done, and almost all the tutorial explain everything where thins comes from. anyway here some links that can help you.

the northwind database you can download it from microsoft website.

commented: Nice LINQ links, thanks +1

I dont think anyone anywhere knows how to look at it from a beginners point of view and thats why most tutorials arent that great.

I agree with you. But having a goal will focus your efforts to look for specific solutions.

In all reality, you have to know things to do any of that. How do i learn how to make a database using visual studio, how do i connect to it, what is LINQ and where do i find it. Nothing is as straightforward as you make it sound.

Well, yes. But there are lots of places that have code examples and How To for both Win and ASP apps.
MSDN online help is always a good source for coding methods and finding out what each class supports.

And if i just go around generating code, then i wont really know how anything works will i?

The best way to learn is to do. I have been using C# for over 5 years and I am still learning new techniques. (Many picked up here at DaniWeb)

Start a project, and when you get stuck post it here. Someone is sure to help you.:)

I'm a newbie too, and a real one! That means I've never done any sort of programming before. I've provided myself with some books: some are fun but some are like learning a new language by using the dictionary and a grammar book. C# Head First however is fun. I don't know anything about your budget, but I think it's a worthwile investment if you are serious about programming.
A word of warning though: programming is hard work and requires dedication and a mathematical-logical mind. Maybe one can compensate the other, I haven't found yet, as I haven't invested enough hard work yet. Trying to finish my dissertation in theology first....

Perhaps if we know why you need to learn

visual studio, sql,, and building and maintaining databases

, then we might be able to help you. As Florinmoc said we don't know your budget. We also don't have any idea about what your past experience is.

Don't get me wrong there are lots of people to help you but give them all the facts and they can help you first. Personally quite a lot of books are daunting, but find a sams 24 hour one and that can help. stay away from anything with the Professional prefix for now. Remember don't try and run before you can walk but you really do learn by your mistakes.

Programming is a multi disciplined it is a logic and language thing.

So let us know what your goal is and then we can help.

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