first off my knowledge in C # is at a begginer's level.. and im done at loops and some basic more in my course..i was learning well due to a great proffesor.But he was replaced and i'm not learning any. -.-

but my problem is about classes... i can't seem to learn it right..
do you have any tutorials or advice that i could attain in learning classes.??
about windows app and web app would greatly help

(i've done searching google and i think i'm not finding any relevant answers..or i just don't see it)

i dont want to be spoonfeed because you won't learn anything..
just give me the basics and i will post my updates..

cheers guys.. hope i can get some response
i'll staying up the whole night just to learn this stuff..


I wrote a tutorial a while back that covers some elements of classes and objects.
Other than that, there is lots of material online if you google it or check out the msdn reference.

And by "check out the msdn reference" you're referring to right Ryshad?

Doh...meant to add the link in but got sidetracked! Yes, thats the one i meant, thanks lusipher :)

oh isee let me look it up for today.. hahaa thnx alot sir/s !

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