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Recently made a move from Customer Service to Technical Support.Moving in the right direction now, so that makes me happy :)

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490 Posted Topics

Member Avatar for xuele91

Did you, at some point in the project, change the project's source directory at all? Basically it's sounding to me like it's looking for your files at 'C:\users\lizane\desktop\project\peek-ture\peek-ture\bin\x86\debug\peek-ture.exe' but they're either not there at all or in a different location. The 2nd part of the message indicates a possible solution …

Member Avatar for Caroline_4
Member Avatar for babylex

And on the topic of "supporting DaniWeb" why not become a sponsor :twisted: That's what I did when I realized how useful the site is and that I'd be spending MUCH more time here than I originally intended :P BTW, welcome and junk.

Member Avatar for UI
Member Avatar for yayaza

[URL=""]Pseudocode[/URL] [URL=""]Research[/URL] [URL=""]ReadMe[/URL] Thought those might help :)

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Violet_82

I'm somewhat curious why you wouldn't do something along the lines of the following: 1) determine the width of your primary rectangular div 2) determine the width of your central piece 3) deduct half the width of the central piece from half the width of your rectangular div 4) divide …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for Lusiphur

As it seems to come up often enough I figured I'd throw together a quick snippet outlining basic methods for data manipulation in SQL Server using C#. In all examples the coder will need to substitute their own connection string details and variables. I utilised parameters for 3 of the …

Member Avatar for sarvesh_3
Member Avatar for Geekitygeek

[QUOTE=abhijeet22;1334306]Form1 frm1=new form1;; this.hid(); very useful Try it[/QUOTE]So, I take it you didn't read any of the discussion that accompanied this snippet as it was explained that it goes beyond the simple process you provided here. S'all good though, I can understand how spending an extra 1-2 minutes of …

Member Avatar for jacss1x
Member Avatar for DaveTran

If I understand this correctly you're intending this process to check for isFinished == true and proceed only if it's true. Your concern is, if the condition changes WHILE it's processing the steps within your if block, correct? First, I'm not sure you should be using IF for the initial …

Member Avatar for Chris_33
Member Avatar for mariko

As Ardav said you can use separate body and wrapper div backgrounds to achieve what you're looking for. One thing to note (as you mentioned multiple backgrounds I thought I'd bring this up "just in case") is that IE and Firefox (amongst other popular browsers) handle CSS background properties differently …

Member Avatar for tezac
Member Avatar for Suzie999

Suzie999; What I might recommend is for you to post the code related to this "problem thread" here including any creation/disposal logic that you use so that others can possibly error check and troubleshoot the code directly :)

Member Avatar for ian.chou.12
Member Avatar for iainiow

First, this should be in the Web Development > ASP.Net forum :) That being said, you will need some sort of a trigger event to populate the gridview once the textBox has information in it or if it is populated based off the textBox value at page load it will …

Member Avatar for Sampsonlenord
Member Avatar for jellybeannn

I'm actually confused because the code snippet you've provided doesn't appear to have anything 'out of the ordinary' to it that I can see from first glance. Coupled with the fact that you have NO form tag that I can see, I'm not sure why you'd be getting the error …

Member Avatar for Hamza Bukhari
Member Avatar for SWAT

Welcome to HappyGeek's custom username modification service. Serving the DaniWeb community since 2008. Donations of $500 per name change can be sent to HappyGeek, c/o GreedyLurker, 123 Fake Street.... :twisted: Sorry, feelin' smarta$$ish today :P

Member Avatar for <M/>
Member Avatar for GrimJack

I dunno, I still feel old for having owned "[URL=""]It's a small world after all[/URL]" in record format as a kid and remembering [URL=""]Lego[/URL] as being a bunch of brick shaped interlocking blocks (none of this 'tubes' and 'spaceships' and 'pirate ships' crap they have today). Oh!! And the [URL=""]Voltron …

Member Avatar for vinnitro
Member Avatar for AngelicOne

Dude... you're killing me here :twisted: Try:[CODE]datagridview.Rows.Clear();[/CODE]

Member Avatar for creations1220
Member Avatar for kendaop

What I might try in this case is running the application in debug mode and trying to actually capture more specific information about the error from the debug/output consoles (assuming you're using an IDE for development). A more specific error message might help both you and the community to figure …

Member Avatar for Dennijr
Member Avatar for jbennet

Wow... Let me start by saying I love the new look. And I'm sure once it's all smoothed out it'll work great too :D That being said... 1) I keep getting logged out every couple of minutes and I don't think it's my browser as I have zero issue with …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Verygoodguy

Essentially you're asking it to send a variable that for all intents and purposes does not exist. One option is to try what flexibleres suggested and set a default value so that it is going to send at least NULL to the stored proc. If you want to get more …

Member Avatar for himanshu.1691
Member Avatar for Muni123

So... my first question is... is this website hosted on a domain somewhere or is it hosted on your local computer? The reason I ask this is because your connection string seems to be pointing at an access database on a local drive as such: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\DevServer\10.0\CitiesDatabase.accdb So... …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for praveenjain

Um... I guess first off the main question is do you know what pseudocode is? In case you don't it's the written process of working out the logic for a given code problem. I.e.: The steps that will be required to reach a required conclusion. It doesn't involve actually writing …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for Lusiphur

It's been a long while since I've last been here but I've spent the last 2 hours pulling my hair out trying to figure this out and I'm hoping for a bit of help with this one. I have a question/response check (a human verification check) on my page and …

Member Avatar for Lusiphur
Member Avatar for M.Waqas Aslam

I might point out, from a quick browse of your recent posts that the reason for the most recent down vote was most likely as a result of posting in a solved thread with a new question. Generally, if you have a new and unique question it gets a new …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kikiritce

Depending how you plan to go about it, it seems like a simple matter of assigning different functionality based on different access and ownership permissions. You're going to need a database table of some sort for general authority levels (Admin, user, advertiser). You're going to need another table in that …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for dwayned

[QUOTE=finito;1298787]your code looks good but where is con.Open()[/QUOTE]Actually, I think that the adapter/fill will open the connection, what's missing is the close of the connection and the actual logic for populating his data. That being said, in the stored proc on the SQL side it's performing several select statements without …

Member Avatar for suzaine
Member Avatar for markthien

I'm a bit confused as to your intention here... are you trying to add the item you're inserting into the DB to the already populated DGV? If so, why not simply reload the DGV to reflect the new table contents once the table's been added to?

Member Avatar for LP...
Member Avatar for Catweazle

[QUOTE=wisaacs;1300466]I would like to erase my user id and quit the community permanently. How do I do this?[/QUOTE]I would like to refer you to the following 2 threads regarding closing your account at DaniWeb:[LIST=1] [*][URL=""]Thread 1[/URL] [*][URL=""]Thread 2[/URL] [/LIST]Long story short, you can't delete your account... However, you are perfectly …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for tricket_7

I've got a bit of a concern in the way the information is being passed to the calculator class and in the way the answer textbox is being populated. First:[CODE]answerNumber = Calculator.Equals(firstNumber, secondNumber, arithmeticProcess, answerNumber);[/CODE]It appears as if you're passing answerNumber to the calculator to get back a value of …

Member Avatar for dynw
Member Avatar for priyad2

Well congratulations everybody on just handing out code to someone. My particular favorite was this one:[CODE]Button1(.................) { Process p=new Process(); p.startInfo.FileName="calc"; p.start(); }[/CODE]That being said... when someone comes to the forum and says "[I]please help me with the code behind i am really confused...otherwise give me some tips to …

Member Avatar for Zvjezdan23
Member Avatar for rooter1204

Generally I use Adobe Fireworks for all of my animated GIF files. However, the Adobe suite is far from "free" lol. I might check on the [URL=""]Tucows download page[/URL] for possibly shareware or freeware GIF animators but I wouldn't be able to speak to the quality of anything you get …

Member Avatar for gogreen1
Member Avatar for rahulvom

Rather than go into great detail in providing the answer here I'll let others who've provided the answer in the past do my talking for me :twisted: Below is a code snippet (recommended read for this topic) and a couple of related threads that may help you out: [URL=""]Snippet[/URL] (Thanks …

Member Avatar for amit tapas
Member Avatar for Lusiphur

To preface this post I'm going to say that what I'm looking to do is purely in the theorhetical stages at this moment so I don't have any code to share yet. At it's basest essence what I'm attempting to do is compare Image A with Image B to determine …

Member Avatar for arisa12

The End.