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87 Posted Topics
Re: Hello VC, Check these out, hope it helps. [Click Here](http://oradim.blogspot.com/2007/11/oracle-11g-and-ora-01017-invalid.html) [Click Here](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/740119/default-passwords-of-oracle-11g) But i should think ypu had to enter a password during the installation process | |
Re: Hello garyrichard, Well, first of, you need to post what you've been able to do. That said..are you entering these values manually? I should think there'll be a predefined query that generates them. If it's already an hard coded table and you just need to find the missing sequence, then … | |
Re: Hi King03, E and M are known as Aliases. You can give a table or a column a different name through the use of an alias. This is useful and helpful if you have very long or complex table or column names. An alias name could be anything, but usually … | |
Re: Hello, koros.komen, Why not post what you have so far. The Tables and structures and we'll advise from there. ![]() | |
Re: Hello dean, First, I assume you know what a database is. Basically, a collection of data that can be stored and retrieved. The purpose of a DB (Database) is to organize, store, and retrieve information as efficiently and effectively as possible. Google for more information Regards | |
Re: In addition to Urtrivedi, Please post what codes you have so far, and the errors you are getting | |
Re: Hello king03, In addition to rch1231's response, The table contains some data that you arent showing here. You are to majorly perform a 'select' query, whose syntax you should be familiar with. for e.g SELECT [column_name] FROM [table_name] WHERE (column_name = condition); For the first question, List '**Sold**' transactions for … | |
Re: Hi caierhui, I don't really get your question. What exactly do you want to do and in what context? | |
Re: Hi jtodd, That's the way to go. Your database is basically at the 'backend'. The user doesn't need to see this. You have to create a form of user interface (UI) that they can use to interact with the database. What you choose to implement this front end UI(e.g ASP.Net) … | |
Re: Hello akkbkht, From what i understand, you can do this by having, for example, a MEMBER_ROLE table e.g roleID | roleName | Description 1 Admin Administrator 2 Applicant bla bla bla and ofcourse, you have a member table.. memberID | firstName | lastName | roleID(fk) 1 Beautiful You 2 2 … | |
Re: Hey papadarl, Could you be a little more specific as to what your problem is? What are you trying to do? What have you done? What issues are you having? | |
Re: Hello rithish, try opening the sql command line and connecting to your database, e.g [CODE]Conn system as sysdba[/CODE] | |
Re: Hello HunainHafeez, please see this link http://www.daniweb.com/web-development/databases/threads/430095/user-roles Regards | |
Re: > CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "MAINTAIN_REQUESTSTATUS1" (emplevel IN NUMBER,eid IN NUMBER,depid IN NUMBER,teamid IN NUMBER) is lastreq number; seq number; stat NUMBER; tok varchar2(60); appr number; I haven't tried this but you have four items within the bracket and five afterwards. Dont think you declared properly | |
Re: Hello anthonyjpv, Checkout: [This](http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/oracle/prog2/ch09_01.htm), [This](http://www.plsqltutorial.com/plsql-record/) and [This](http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B12037_01/appdev.101/b10807/05_colls.htm) . Hope these links help. | |
Re: Hi Sadun89, This all depends on what you're trying to do with your database. Depending on the information provided in the tables, you can choose whether or not to add a table or a column. If you provide more info, we should be able to help you better. | |
Re: Hi kahindi , What are you interested in? Do you want to create a web based system (probably the easiest of them all) or a mobile app, or something on networking, or graphics?? There's a whole lot to do. 1.You could also see past projects. There's usually a section that … | |
Re: Hello pjdomingo, You can ask them about the existing system --What it currently does --What problems they are facing with it --What improvements they'd like to see --Any ideas they might want to include etc Regards, Priscilla | |
Re: Hi TheSomalilander, What have you been able to do so far? | |
Re: Hello Ganges, what do you mean by complete list of queries? if you mean syntax, check out these links; [here](http://www.w3schools.com/sql/default.asp) and [here](http://ss64.com/ora/). Browse through them, should be helpful. Regards, Seslie | |
Hi Daniwebers, Is there anyone familiar with sharepoint? My question is on validation of dates in sharepoint… If i have two date fields – start date(& time) and end date(&time). How do i validate these, so that a person cannot pick a time in between these? For example, if someone … | |
Re: Hello bflack, it's pretty easy in oracle, you just use 'imp' and 'exp' commands to import and export respectively. see this [link](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/copying-databases.html) for ideas on mysql | |
Re: Hello London-G, from the database aspect, you would need a column (of data type BLOB - in oracle, don't know if this applies for other databases) on one of your tables (perharps personInfo) that would hold the image information. I am not very conversant with Java, so i don't know … | |
Re: Hi rhfh, Looks good to me, although i would make Rental table have its own unique primary key though. For example, what if a particular customer likes a particular car and wants to use that car more than once? check out this [link](http://databaseanswers.org/data_models/car_hire/index.htm) for a more comprehensive example. Be sure … ![]() | |
Re: Hi sneha07, What kind of applications are you looking to develop? Have you heard of Oracle Application Express (APEX)? | |
Re: Hi monstercamron, I just checked out your site. Good job! But, you still need to work on look and feel of it. It's inconsistent throughout the pages. The home page is still messy, you need to tidy that up. And the colours/themes? Not sure about them, well depends on what … | |
Re: Necroposting: You prob didnt look at the dates or simply ignored the 'dead thread' notice. Well, thanks 4 d info though. | |
Re: @debid25, Wrong Section, man. @almoj4ever, what exactly is your problem? what's the question? where's your attempt? Anything to help us help you... |
The End.