
Im seeing that I need to learn Javascript and using its classes, functions, declaring it, etc so I need something. What is a good way to learn Javascript (besides practice, because basically its all copy-paste so Im not learning what anything means)......


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2 books.

JavaScript: The good Parts

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

Still need to practice anyways... :-)

Ill try to search for those two books. Are they for beginners?

Thank you!

Start with some good books. Also there are quite a bit of sites on line that have JavaScript tutorials you can reference, including online HTML editors so you can quickly edit and see the results of your code.

The key here is to strengthen your programming foundation. Once you understand the core concepts, that skillset will help you in just about any other programming language you decide to pick up and learn.

Codeavengers started fun but it got boring real quick with the math questions.........

Stick it out and go all the way through. I reckon Coda Avengers is the most fun and effective way to learn Javascript as well. SNIP

Ive started with "JavaScript: The good Parts" but WAAY to "here is the information, have it" No explaination, no examples, etc. I need a begineer book that goes nice and easy, with plenty of non technical information and clear examples.

Stick it out and go all the way through. I reckon Coda Avengers is the most fun and effective way to learn Javascript as well.SNIP

No thank you. I want to learn the language, not do math in my head. Its stupid that I have to calculate 8 * 3 in my head and then print out the answer in a alert when I can simply put 8*3 (something basic in ALL languages) Besides the point, Ive been doing "alerts" for about 4 lessions already..........And what does "alert" even do (i know what it does but I did not know where alert comes from)? Thats something that The Good Parts explains telling me everything comes from "prototype" then goes on from there...

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