RESTORE DATABASE database_name FROM backup_device WITH RECOVERY

i dont know wheather i should create a query file for the code

I give you a tips for backup & restore database. you can use copy command like

On Error GoTo err
MkDir "D:\Backup" ' its make a folder named backup
Dim fso As Object, MyFile As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Set MyFile = fso.GetFile(App.Path & "\database.mdb")
MyFile.Copy ("D:\Backup\backup")
MsgBox " Back up sucessfully complete. ", vbInformation

MsgBox "Backup file was already exist", vbInformation, "Alert"

I give you a tips for backup & restore database. you can use copy command like

thanks alot for the help. where would u suggest i put the code?

Abu, you have to exit the sub before you can go to err: -

MsgBox " Back up sucessfully complete. ", vbInformation


Should be -

MsgBox " Back up sucessfully complete. ", vbInformation
Exit sub


krab-man, you can put this code under a command button, timer etc. Use it when you need to make a backup of the file selected.

Also remember to set a reference to microsoft scripting runtime files under references.

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