Hy i Know it is not on English but could somone take a look on my code and tell me what I am doing wrong....

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
//ukljucujemo cstring biblioteku koja omogucava napredne operacije sa stringovima
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

#define VELICINA 40 //fixsno definisemo vlisicinu

class Ponuda {
	//definisemo privatne varijable
	char artikl[VELICINA]; //definisemo char artikl
	int paketnaKolicina;     //definisemo kolicinu po paketu 
	double cijena;   // i ukupnu cijenu  
	//definisemo funkciju prozivoda
	Ponuda(char *i, int o, double c)
		//unutar nje pravimo kopiranje u privatne varijable, to jest input funkcija
		strcpy(artikl, i);
		paketnaKolicina = o;
		cijena = c;
	//definisemo funkcije koje cemo kasnije da definisemo
	void sacuvaj(fstream &stream);
	void iscitaj(fstream &stream);
	//definisemo prijateljske funkcije kojima ce biti dozvoljeno da citacju privatne atribute
	friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, Ponuda ob);
	friend istream &operator>>(istream &stream, Ponuda &ob);
//ovdije uz ostream operator dodajemo  sa referencom na  funkciju koja
//prihvata ostream vacijably i proizvod klasu tako kada se on pozove uvijek se pozove i
//redi operacije sa njom
ostream &operator<<(ostream &stream, Ponuda ob)
	stream <<"\nArtikl:"<< ob.artikl << "\n\t Kolicina po paketu: " << ob.paketnaKolicina;
	stream << "\n\t Ukupna Cijena: " << ob.cijena << " km \n";

	return stream;

//takodje redeklarisemo stram funkciju radi ispisivanja
istream &operator>>(istream &stream, Ponuda &ob)
	cout << "Unesite Ime artikla: ";
	stream >> ob.artikl;
	cout << "Unesite minimalan broj kupovine: ";
	stream >> ob.paketnaKolicina;
	cout << "Unesite cijenu: ";
	stream >> ob.cijena;

	return stream;
//deklarisemo sacuval funkciju u klasi Ponuda
void Ponuda::sacuvaj(fstream &stream)
	stream.write(artikl, VELICINA);
	stream.write((char *) &paketnaKolicina, sizeof(int));
	stream.write((char *) &cijena, sizeof(double));

void Ponuda::iscitaj(fstream &stream)
	stream.read(artikl, VELICINA);
	stream.read((char *) &paketnaKolicina, sizeof(int));
	stream.read((char *) &cijena, sizeof(double));

int main()
	//otvaramo pri deklarisanju serijalizovane varijable odma fajl u kji unosimo podatke
	fstream fileStream; 
	int i, kontrola, izlaz;
	string ime;
	int kolicina;
	double cijena;

	Ponuda ulazniArtikli;

	do {

		std::cout >> "Ukucajte odgovarajucu komandu za odgovarajuce akcije:\n">>
			"\t  1 - Unos nove vrijednsoti \n\t  2 - Iscitavanje sacuvanih vrijednsoti \n\t" >>
			" -1 - Izlazak iz programa \n\t  kraj - Kada ste unutar neke od operacija, tj ciranje/ispisivanje  \n\n\n";

		std::cout >>"Unesite komandu broj(samo int):"
			std::cin << kontrola;

		switch (kontrola)

			//prvo obradjujemo slucaj kada imamo unos novih vrijednsoti 
		case 1: 
			std::cout >> "\n Unos nove vrijednosti: \n\t Unesite Ime artikla: ";
			std::cin.getline(ime, VELICINA);
			std::cout >>"\n\t Kolicinu poprodajnoj jedinici: ";
			std::cin << kolicina;
			std::cout >> "\n\t Ukupna cijena: ";
			std::cin << cijena;

			fileStream.open("fileStream", ios::out | ios::binary);
			if (fileStream)
				std::cout >> "Nisam u stanju da otvorim fajl za upis"
			std::cout >>"Vrijednost pohranjena. Zelite li da unesete novu vrjednost? \n 1 - da \n 2 - ne"
				std::cin << izlazl
				if (izlaz == 1){
					kontrola = 1;
					kontrola = 100;

				//sada obradjujemo slucaj kada zelimo da ispisujemo fajlove
		case 2:
			std::cout >> "Ispisivanje sacuvanih vrijednosti \n unesite redni broj artikla: \n(rijedoslied unosa, u obzir se uzimju sve ikada upisane vrijednosi) \n"

				fileStream.open("fileStream", ios::in | ios::binary); 

			if(!fileStream) {
				//ukoliko objekat nije uspio da otvori navedeni fajl izbacujemo gresku
				cout << "Ne moze da se otvori fajl za upisivanje.\n";
				return 1;
			do {
				cout << "Br. artikla: ";
				cin >> i;
				if(i == -1) {
					kontrola = 100;

				//stavljamo uvijek klasu na pocetku iscitavanja da bude na cistecem objektu
				fileStream.seekg(4*(VELICINA+sizeof(int)+sizeof(double)), ios::beg);
				//nalazimo objekat koji smo pohranili
				fileStream.seekg(i*(VELICINA+sizeof(int)+sizeof(double)), ios::beg);
				cout << deserijalizovaniObjekt;

			} while(fileStream.good());


	} while (ulaz !="Kraj");

	return 0;

Here is the google translation .... no idea if it translated correctly but maybe it helps to understand the code....

# Include <iostream>
# Include <fstream>
/ / Includes cstring library that allows advanced operations with strings
# Include <cstring>

using namespace std;

# Define SIZE 40 / / define the fixsno vlisicinu

class Offer (
/ / Define the private variables
char item [size]; / / define the char item
int paketnaKolicina; / / define the quantity per package
double price; / / and the total cost
/ / Define the function prozivoda
Offer (char * i, int o, double c)
/ / Within it, to copy for private variables, namely input functions
strcpy (item, i);
paketnaKolicina = o;
price = c;
/ / Define the functions that will later to define
void forbid (fstream & stream);
void iscitaj (fstream & stream);
/ / Define the friendly functions that will be allowed to citacju personal attributes
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream & stream, offer ob);
friend istream & operator>> (istream & stream, Bids & ob);
/ / Here we add to the ostream operator with reference to a function that
/ / Ostream vacijably acceptance of the product class, so when he is always invited to call and
/ / Row operations with it
ostream & operator <<(ostream & stream, offer ob)
stream <<"\ nArtikl:" <<ob.artikl <<"\ n \ t Quantity per package:" <<ob.paketnaKolicina;
stream <<"\ n \ t Total price:" <<ob.cijena <<"km \ n";

return stream;

/ / Also redeklarisemo stram function for printing
istream & operator>> (istream & stream, Bids & ob)
court <<"Enter the Name of product:";
stream>> ob.artikl;
court <<"Enter the minimum number of purchases";
stream>> ob.paketnaKolicina;
court <<"Enter price:";
stream>> ob.cijena;

return stream;
/ / Declare a function in class sacuval Bids
Offer void: forbid (fstream & stream)
stream.write (item, size);
stream.write ((char *) & paketnaKolicina, sizeof (int));
stream.write ((char *) & Price, sizeof (double));

Offer void: iscitaj (fstream & stream)
stream.read (item, size);
stream.read ((char *) & paketnaKolicina, sizeof (int));
stream.read ((char *) & Price, sizeof (double));

int main ()
/ / Open the declaration serijalizovane variables immediately file in the kji enter data
FileStream fstream;
int i, control, output;
string name;
int quantity;
double price;

Bids ulazniArtikli;

do (

std:: court>> "Type the appropriate command for appropriate action: \ n">>
"\ T 1 - Record new vrijednsoti \ n \ t 2 - read the extant vrijednsoti \ n \ t">>
"-1 - Quit application \ n \ t end - When you're inside some of the operations, ie financing / print \ n \ n \ n";

std:: court>> "Enter command number (int only):
std:: cin <<control;

switch (control)

/ / The first deals with the case when we enter the new vrijednsoti
case 1:
std:: court>> "\ n Enter new values: \ n \ t Enter the product name:";
std:: cin.getline (name, size);
std:: court>> "\ n \ t The amount poprodajnoj unit";
std:: cin <<quantity;
std:: court>> "\ n \ t Total price:";
std:: cin <<price;

fileStream.open ("FileStream", ios:: out | ios:: binary);
if (FileStream)
ulazniArtikli.Ponuda (name, quantity, price);
ulazniArtikli.sacuvaj (FileStream);
fileStream.close ();
) Else (
std:: court>> "I am unable to open file for write"
std:: court>> "The value is stored. If you want to enter new values? \ n 1 - yes \ n 2 - no"
std:: cin <<izlazl
if (exit == 1) (
control = 1;
) Else (
control = 100;

/ / Now we process the case when we want to print files
case 2:
std:: court>> "Printing preserved value \ n Enter the number of items: \ n (rijedoslied input into account the uzimju everything ever written value presented) \ n"

fileStream.open ("FileStream", ios:: in | ios:: binary);

if (! FileStream) (
/ / If the facility has failed to throw open the specified file error
court <<"Could not open file for writing. \ n";
return 1;
do (
court <<"No items";
cin>> i;
if (i == -1) (
control = 100;

/ / Always put the class at the beginning of the particular reading to be the clearing house
fileStream.seekg (4 * (SIZE sizeof (int) sizeof (double)), ios:: beg);
/ / Find the object that we store
fileStream.seekg (i * (SIZE sizeof (int) sizeof (double)), ios:: beg);
ulazniArtikli.iscitaj (FileStream);
court <<deserijalizovaniObjekt;

) While (fileStream.good ());

fileStream.close ();

) While (input! = "End");

return 0;

I have no idea where it went wrong it dous not even acept the class definition ....

Ok, dont botehr... i just found out i mesed up the << >> cout constructors....

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