I try to copy data from rows in my db and then add them with another ID.
but somehow I think I have made a mess out of it.
Public Sub Ordreupdate()
Dim dtbl As New DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable
dtbl = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre")
dt = dtbl.Clone
Dim copyRows1 As DataRow
Dim copyRows() As DataRow = _
Kalkyle1DataSet.Ordre.Select("OrdreID = 1")
For Each copyRows1 In copyRows
For Each copyRows1 In copyRows
'DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
Dim conn = New SqlClient.SqlConnection
conn = New SqlConnection(Form1.DS2)
Dim myScalarQuery As String
Dim ID As Integer
Dim MaxID As Integer
Dim KundeID As Integer
myScalarQuery = " Select Max(OrdreID) As ID From Ordre"
Dim myCommand As New SqlCommand(myScalarQuery, conn)
ID = myCommand.ExecuteScalar()
MaxID = ID + 1
KundeID = CInt(KundeIDTextBox.Text)
Dim n As Integer = 0
For Each copyRows1 In copyRows
Dim newOrdreRow As DataRow = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").NewRow()
Dim Ordredato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Ordedato")
Dim Kalkopprettet As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Kalkyle_opprettet")
Dim LevDato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Leveringsdato")
Dim Virkelig_LevDato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Virkelig_leveringsdato")
Dim Hovedtegningnr As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Hovedtegningnr")
Dim Prodtype As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Produkttype")
Dim MatType As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Materialtype")
Dim KonstrDato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Konstruktor_dato")
Dim KalkUtarb As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Kalkyle_utarbeidet")
Dim EtterkalkUtarb As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Etterkalkyle_utarbeidet")
Dim TegnRev As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Tegningsrevisjon")
Dim Status As Integer = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Status")
newOrdreRow("OrdreID") = MaxID
newOrdreRow("KundeID") = KundeID
newOrdreRow("Ordedato") = Ordredato
newOrdreRow("Kalkyle_opprettet") = Kalkopprettet
newOrdreRow("Leveringsdato") = LevDato
newOrdreRow("Virkelig_leveringsdato") = Virkelig_LevDato
newOrdreRow("Hovedtegningnr") = Hovedtegningnr
newOrdreRow("Produkttype") = Prodtype
newOrdreRow("Materialtype") = MatType
newOrdreRow("Konstruktor_dato") = KonstrDato
newOrdreRow("Kalkyle_utarbeidet") = KalkUtarb
newOrdreRow("Etterkalkyle_utarbeidet") = EtterkalkUtarb
newOrdreRow("Tegningsrevisjon") = TegnRev
newOrdreRow("Status") = Status
n = n + 1
End Sub
When I look at it it looks like I copy the data from the table correctly but when I declare and add the data I think I have done something wrong since ex:
Dim Ordredato As String = Kalkyle1DataSet.Tables("Ordre").Rows(n).Item("Ordedato")
points to a spesific row in the table and then ignores the copy I have done before?
I use a datagridview to see what data I have copied and that looks right.
So what I basicly need is to get data from the table for a spesific OrdreID and then add it back in under a new OrdreID.
Can someone give me a hand here?