i have a question,it's about header files, the header files i always use is stdio.h and conio.h.... how can i use other header files like iostream, c time, etc.. whenever i use them and compile the source code, bad header files always exists,. Can you help me? Thanks a lot

What compiler are you using? also the way to define the standard headers is to not include a .h after it.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

i have a question,it's about header files, the header files i always use is stdio.h and conio.h.... how can i use other header files like iostream, c time, etc.. whenever i use them and compile the source code, bad header files always exists,. Can you help me? Thanks a lot

as you clearly didn't understand that guy's code i will let you in on a secret.

copy it and you will fail because you have no idea what it does.

i use turbo c as the compiler...can iostream be used in that kind of compiler??

No. Turbo C is a C compiler, not c++. Get a modern c/c++ compiler such as Code::Blocks or VC++ 2010 Express, both are free.

oh i see...thanks a lot...well, can a Rock Paper scissors program can be done in a turbo c compiler? i am having troubles about this program,actually there are 3 programs within a program called FUN HOUSE...can you help me?

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