How can I fine a name in a table and compare it?
If the name is in the table, continue with FORWARD. Else, then write information to a different table.
Approver is a name in the record that is doing the work. I wanted to see if this person is authorized by looking at a list of names in tblFont.
Set Dbe = Application.CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36")
Set MyDB = Dbe.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase" _
Set Rst = MyDB.OpenRecordset("select * from tblFont")
SearchText = name
If searchtext = Approver1 Then
Else if searchtext <> Approver Then
UserProperties.Find("txtstatus").Value = "Finished"
UserProperties.Find("jobtype").Value = "Unauthorized User"
UserProperties.Find("Approver1").Value = vrUser
End If
Not sure if this is enough info. - MS Access XP, Using this script in MS Outlook form. This is run using a command button.