what i want it to do :
enter a barcode
search grid
if barcode exists then increase Quantity by 1, recalculate subtotal, set vIndex to last row.
if barcode does not exist then search database for data, insert data ( getProduct, currently working)

current code

Private Sub searchItems()
Do Until r = flxItems.Rows - 1
flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 1) = txtProductBarcode
r = r + 1
If txtProductBarcode = flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 1) Then
currQty = flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 4)
flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 4) = currQty + 1
flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 5) = Format(flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 3) * flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 4), "Currency")
txtProductBarcode = ""
vIndex = flxItems.Row - 1
vIndex = vIndex + 1
Call getProduct
End If
End Sub

the problem
1st item added correctly. subsequent data for (R+1, 1) goes in correct cell but also in the cell (0,1). and other items will not add correctly.

attached is the whole code for the form.
any help woild be great.


i just needed Or in it as shown below

Do Until r = flxItems.Rows - 1 or flxItems.TextMatrix(r, 1) = txtProductBarcode
r = r + 1
commented: Good Job +3

Thank you for following up with a solution. It helps in many, many ways, and it's not often that people do it.

Thank you for following up with a solution. It helps in many, many ways, and it's not often that people do it.

no probs. i thought i might aswel post it. people help me with coding, so i thought showing fixed code might help someone sometime in the future.

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