for exapmle cam sees people.and ıt should detect dıstance between people
how can we calculate ıt
does anyone any ıdea about ıt?
ı couldnt fıgure out the algorıthm:)


Please imagine that a stranger walked up to you and said:
for exapmle cam sees people.and ıt should detect dıstance between people
how can we calculate ıt
does anyone any ıdea about ıt?
ı couldnt fıgure out the algorıthm

Would you understand what that stranger wanted? Would you feel the stranger had taken time to carefully research how to do whatever it is that (s)he wants done so any answer you give will make sense? Would you feel like the stranger was asking too much from somebody (s)he doesn't know, or would you feel like the stranger is worth helping?

After you think about these questions. please post a much better request, if you really want some help.

isnt that message clear?

if there is anythıng you dıdnt get it , you may read twıce

Your response was rude, so I'm following your lead: If you don't understand the process well enough to ask a good, clear question, there's no reason for me to spend time thinking about your amorphous question. Here are some things that I would have expected you to deal with if you really expected to get help:

First, the meta questions:

  • Why should I spend my time trying to help you at this level of detail?
  • Did you put in any effort to understand and break the problem into pieces before posting?
  • Is this a real world problem or a piece of homework?
  • Is there any code to look at?
  • What part(s) of the problem did you solve? What is left? What piece can I help you with that will be most productive?
  • Are there time or other constraints on how this must be done?

Then the more direct questions:

  • What is cam?
  • How is the data stored?
  • How is the data encoded?
  • Can we assume that 'sees people' means that we don't need to think about how to recognize 'a person' in the data, or is that also part of the problem?
  • Do we need to detect the distance between every pair of people in the data, or will an operator choose which pairs to measure?
  • What is the metric of the distance? (pixels? meters?)
    • If meters, how do we know the scale of the image?
    • Do we need to calculate the scale, or is it a constant, or provided by the operator?
  • What algorithm could you not figure out? Or did you mean you cannot figure out how to write code to do this?
  • Are there time or other constraints on the running code?
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