
I have a project which calls an internal jar included in it´s classpath. At a certain moment my code makes this call:

Runtime.getRuntime().exec("java -jar ./jars/myJar.jar");

It works when running from Netbeans, but when I make "clean and build" and then execute the new jar ( outside of Netbeans ), doesn´t work the execution of myJar.jar (I mean: the main project works, but myJar execution doesn´t). I guess the path is modifyed, because the internal jar is included in the main jar.

Is the relative path changed? How could I reach my internal jar file path when executing the entire project made a jar file?


calls an internal jar

What is an "internal jar"?

the internal jar is included in the main jar.

You can not use a jar file that is inside another jar file this way. The JVM doesn't look inside jar files for other jar files.

Given this path,


Where is the jar file located relative to the folder where the program executing is located?

To put a second jar file on the classpath with the one in the java -jar command, use the Class-path: field in the manifest file in the first jar file.

> At a certain moment my code makes this call:

There is no need to spawn a separate process for this; just make sure that the JAR is in your classpath and invoke the `main` method of the class which has that method. E.g.

import your.jar.pkg.MainClass;

public class Test {
  public static void main(final String[] args) {
    // The above would same as your Runtime call given that the
    // main class for that JAR file is MainClass.

Hi thank you both for responsing.

I solved the problem by asking the path at runtime:

String path = System.getProperty("user.dir");

After this, I add "lib" name folder and there I put the jar I´m calling to. I have to say that I´m working with Netbeans, so when building it generates a jar file and a lib directory with all jars included: I´ve just put my extra jar in it.

The jar file I´m calling to, is a built project that I can´t run just by calling it´s main method: it requires a dedicated thread for it´s execution (or I don´t know how to prepare that project´s enviroment).

In Windows7 my solution worked out. I have to check if in XP, Linux or MacOS gets the path as well.

Thank you very much, bye!

public static void main(final String[] args) {

A null could be unexpected. I think an empty array would be better:

public static void main(final String[] args) {
    MainClass.main(new String[]{});

A null could be unexpected. I think an empty array would be better:

If you look at the Java process invocation posted in the first post;

java -jar ./jars/myJar.jar

No command line arguments passed so no fear of running into NPE.

But then again, that was just an example to be fixed by OP as he sees fits. :-)

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