Hi! I'm a student and I have a project in Java and its title is Virtual Keyboard....can you please help me on how to create that virtual keyboard pls...and also can you please leave your e-mail add so that i can chat with you....thanks a lot! :lol:

JButtons and KeyListeners.

JButtons and KeyListeners.

slap some jlabels on them, then put them on a jframe and some jpanels. post your code here and we'll point at out screens and say that should stay... that should go... and so on.

I recommend using arrays for any component type you choose. That will make the program very short and more readable. Otherwise you will have hundreds of lines of declarations.

thank you! ill post to you my work soon....will you help me?

Sure there will be lots of experts helping you if you could post the program you have done.

Better yet if you come up with more specific question in the prorgam ratheer than posting the whole program.


Programming (Assignment/Project) Help

hmm, seems some school has assigned a class full of kids this assignment. I see it popping up on several forums all over the net, and all at about the same time.
All the same question, and pretty much the same attitude ("do my work for me").

Agreed jwenting.....agreed bigtime!

hmm, seems some school has assigned a class full of kids this assignment. I see it popping up on several forums all over the net, and all at about the same time.
All the same question, and pretty much the same attitude ("do my work for me").

what do you mean? :(

He means (and I don't think his comment was directly targeted at you, more toward the new generation of CS and IS college students...) that there are many students that just post their assignment on a forum and expect people to do their work for them. And, when that work isn't completed for them in a very small amount of time the tendency of the student seems to be rude to the rest of the forum.

Programming helps those who help themselves.



hi phaelax

He means (and I don't think his comment was directly targeted at you, more toward the new generation of CS and IS college students...) that there are many students that just post their assignment on a forum and expect people to do their work for them. And, when that work isn't completed for them in a very small amount of time the tendency of the student seems to be rude to the rest of the forum.

Programming helps those who help themselves.



thanks....sorry maybe i dont get what he mean for that...well, anyway i already start my project and sooner i'll post it here so that you'll check it if it's okei....ryt? thank you!

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