An exercise is to write a program that generates random numbers within user specified limits. The program I wrote is as follows and it runs correctly.
#include "../../std_lib_facilities.h"
void randnum(double lower, double upper, int n) // Generate 'n' random numbers uniformly distributed
{ // between lower and upper limits.
double a = 0;
double b = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < n+1; ++i) {
a = rand();
b = lower + (a / 32767) * (upper - lower); // RAND_MAX for MS VC++ Express is 32,767.
cout << i <<" " << b <<endl;
int main ()
int z = 0;
double l = 0;
double u = 0;
cout <<"Enter the lower and upper limits for, and the number of random numbers \nto be generated, separated by a space.\n";
cin >> l >> u >> z;
return 0;
It occurred to me that this only generates numbers uniformly over the range. I have used random number generators that use different probability distributions to generate the numbers. There is uniform, normal, Poisson, binomial, etc. I looked for probability distributions in C++, but found more questions than answers, The math.h header doesn't seem to support any probability functions.
If I want to generate numbers that follow the normal distribution, do I first have to write a function that estimates the normal probability density myself?
(I have done that in Javascript so I think I can do it in C++ as well, but just asking.)