Hey, I've got a bit of a problem:

vector<BaseClass*> stuffvector;
BaseClass* temp = new DerivedClass(par_a, par_b);
delete temp;

This causes the program to crash. I have virtual destructor, so the DerivedClass's destructor should be called just fine. Does it have something to do with the vector? 'Cause I don't really have anything else in mind that could cause the crash. :/

Actually, now that I've opened my eyes, the crash happens when I try to handle the objects contained in the vector.

> now that I've opened my eyes, the crash happens when I try to handle the objects contained in the vector.

If you open your eyes a wee bit more, you would also notice that after delete temp ; the vector contains (a copy of) a pointer which points to an object that does not exist any more - the object has been deleted.

This is what you want :

vector<BaseClass*> stuffvector;
BaseClass* temp = new DerivedClass(par_a, par_b);
stuffVector.pop_back(); //added, remove all accounts of 'temp'
delete temp;

But I lied, this is what you really wanted :

std::vector< boost::shared_ptr<BaseClass> > baseVec;
baseVec.push_back( new DerivedFromBase() );
//do stuff
commented: shared_ptr: Wish more people automatically code with it +3
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