i hava retrieve the data from database to text box but i am getting only one row from the table i want to retrieve all the rows of a table in the text boxes how it is possible please help me sir.

without seeing your code its very hard to see what you might need to change.
Please post any code relevant to your question in [code]

[/code] tags.

As a sidenote, I see you have several threads named C#.
Please give your threads a more appropriate name.
It will help us all.:)

As some one else has mentioned include your code. However what I guess you could do is the following:

foreach (datarow dr in dt.rows)
txtTextbox.text = txtTextBox.text + "\n" dr[0].tostring() ; 

what this does is loop through your rows and adds them to the text box adding a new line as they go denoted by the "\n". Note however that this will only work if you have multiline set to true.

Try this I can't quite remember all the ins and outs and you will have to correct the capital letters etc...


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