I Have a PDF Folder containing pdf files with the names ( sp_1.pdf , sp_2.pdf etc.....)

In my word files , I have the text : " and it was created under the rule sp_1 in order to acheive the level we are working for that is sp_2 "

so while reading I want the application to create an automatic link to sp_1.pdf or sp_2.pdf or sp_X.pdf if found in the pdf folder and if not ,the text stays static

Any help with that ? (Code)????

What problem are you exactly having -
1. Passing word file from filesystem to your application ; or
2. Replacing sp_X text with sp_X hyperlink ? ; or
3. both

Try using -

File>New Project>Visual Basics>Office>2003 or 2007> MS Word Add-in

you will see predefined functions for your problem.

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