Hello All,

It's been a while since I started coding in C# so please bare with me. Here's the scenario:

I have a form that has textbox fields such as "Qty, Price, and Total Amount".

"Qty" needs to be multiplied to "Price" and the results shown in the "Total Amount" textbox.

I would like to do it in C# codebehind but using Javascript would suffice.

Aspx Code is as follows:

QTY Text Box:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" name="qty100" ID="qty100" MaxLength="7" Width="70px" style="text-align:right" onkeyup='total(this,100);'></asp:TextBox>

Price Text Box:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" name="price100" ID="price100" 
MaxLength="10" Width="55px" style='text-align:right' onkeyup='totalPrice(this,100);' onfocus='this.value="$"' >

Total Amount TextBox:

<asp:TextBox runat="server" name="amount100" ID="amount100" MaxLength="14" Width="120px" style='text-align:right' value='$0.00' onpropertychange='grandTotal();' ReadOnly="true">

Javascript Functions:

function total(qty,itemNo)
        document.forms[0].elements["amount"+itemNo].value="$" + FormatTotal(val,0);

function totalPrice(price,itemNo)
        document.forms[0].elements["amount"+itemNo].value="$" + FormatTotal(val,0);

function grandTotal()
    var gt=0;
    document.forms[0].elements["grndtotal"].value="$" + FormatTotal(gt,-1);

Issue with Javascript:

On my local I get the following error once I type anything in one of the text boxes....I think it's because it's blank/null before it fires...how to fix??

Line: 551
Error: 'document.forms.0.elements[...].value' is null or not an object

Also, Would really like to write it in C# code behind but I keep getting the following error:

System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

Code in C# file:

protected void price100_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int a = int.Parse(qty100.Text);

        int b = int.Parse(price100.Text);

        int c = a * b;

        amount100.Text = c.ToString();

Hope that makes sense and thank you very much!!


Your C# code looks fine, the error you are getting is saying that there is something in the textbox that is not part of an integer (spaces, letters, something). I'd put a break on the first Parse() line and take a look at what is in the qty100 and price100 objects.

Hi Momerath,

Thanks for the reply. I don't quite understand what you mean be "break". Isn't break part of a switch case??

Thanks again,



I believe I got it all sorted out now. Textboxes were not NULL!! Had a '$' in some of them. DUH!!.............

Here is the code used below:


 <asp:TextBox runat="server" name="price100" ID="price100" 
                MaxLength="10" Width="55px" style='text-align:right'
                OnTextChanged="price100_TextChanged" AutoPostBack="true">

C# Code Behind:

 protected void price100_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
        decimal result;
        string dollar = "$";
        result = Convert.ToDecimal(qty100.Text) * Convert.ToDecimal(price100.Text);
        amount100.Text = dollar + result.ToString();

Thanks again, I appreciate the help!!!


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