Hello everyone,

I've found out that the friend keyword can be used with a class or a function/method but I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like this :

class A;
class B;

class A {
  friend class B void AddEl(void *el);
  friend class B void RemEl(void *el);
  B *myB;

class B {
  inline void Do() {
   A *myA;

In my code there is only one method of B (Do here) which needs the two private methods of A (AddEl and RemEl here). I can't use friend <method> because my class A is only forward-declared at this point (could be easily solved in the example above but not in my code). I can use friend class <class> but I think it's against the OOP and not safe.
Is there any way to declare friend of a class to methods like above ? Many thanks in advance.

In order to do that you need to use the scope resolution operator which is '::'

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Alpha;                           //forward declaration of class Alpha

class Bravo {                          //begin declaration of class Bravo
  Alpha* m_pAnAlphaObj;                //a pointer to Alpha

  Bravo();                             //default constructor
  ~Bravo();                            //destructor
  void memberMethod1();                //member method
  void memberMethod2();                //member method

class Alpha {                          //begin declaration of class Alpha
  friend void Bravo::memberMethod1();  //declare just Bravo::memberMethod1() as friend

  int prvInt;

  Alpha() { this->prvInt = 5; }        //Alpha default constructor
  Alpha(int newPrvInt) { this->prvInt = newPrvInt; }            //Alpha specified constructor
  Alpha(Alpha* pNewAlpha) { this->prvInt = pNewAlpha->prvInt; } //Alpha copy constructor
  int getPrvInt() { return prvInt; }   //member method

Bravo::Bravo() { m_pAnAlphaObj = new Alpha; }   //implement Bravo constructor

Bravo::~Bravo() { delete m_pAnAlphaObj; }       //implement Bravo destructor

void Bravo::memberMethod1() {          //implement member method
  cout << "In Bravo::memberMethod1()\nThe value of m_pAnAlphaObj::prvInt is: " << m_pAnAlphaObj->prvInt << endl;

void Bravo::memberMethod2() {          //implement member method
  //compile error, illegal access
  //cout << "In Bravo::memberMethod2()\nThe value of m_pAnAlphaObj::prvInt is: " << m_pAnAlphaObj->prvInt << endl;

  //legal, uses public method
  cout << "In Bravo::memberMethod2()\nThe value of m_pAnAlphaObj::prvInt is: " << m_pAnAlphaObj->getPrvInt() << endl;

int main() {                          //begin main()
  Bravo randomBravoObject;            //declare a Bravo object

  randomBravoObject.memberMethod1();  //call member method
  randomBravoObject.memberMethod2();  //call member method

  return 0;

I wouldn't say friend classes are "against OOP", but you really need to use them sparingly. Too many friends are bad, friends are not bad in general. There are some things that are best accomplished via friends. Always consider another approach first though, such as aggregation/composition or inheritance.

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