Hi all,

Why do I get a fatal error when I try and free this memory?

char *timeBegin = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 21);
	timeBegin = time_stamp();
	char * test;
	test = calc_time_difference(timeBegin);
	printf("%s", test);

time_stamp() returns a static char array. Would this be the cause?

>char *timeBegin = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char) * 21);
timeBegin is assigned a pointer to dynamic memory.

>timeBegin = time_stamp();
timeBegin is immediately re-assigned to a different pointer, which is not dynamically allocated. The first pointer returned by malloc is lost forever, thus causing a memory leak.

You're not allowed to free a pointer unless it was originally returned by malloc, calloc, or realloc because it doesn't exist within the dynamic memory manager's list of allocated blocks.

ah kk. I was trying to assign the value to what time_stamp() returns to timeBegin.

How would I return a value and assign it to timeBegin? with out haveing to make the local variable (in time_stamp()) static?

So I see, though you'll need to go about it less directly:

char *temp = time_stamp();
char *timeBegin = malloc(strlen(temp) + 1);

if (timeBegin == NULL) {
    /* Handle the error */

strcpy(timeBegin, temp);

Since the string returned by time_stamp is stored in a static array, you need to make a copy of the data before the next call to time_stamp.

>with out haveing to make the local variable (in time_stamp()) static?
Now I'm confused. Is it static or not? That makes a huge difference in your program's correctness. Your first post says it's static and now you imply that it's not.

ah k, makes sense. Thanks so much.

>with out haveing to make the local variable (in time_stamp()) static?
Now I'm confused. Is it static or not? That makes a huge difference in your program's correctness. Your first post says it's static and now you imply that it's not.

Im just trying to figure out the the best way to assign the value. I can change it from static to not static, but I can't figure out how to return a local variable.

code for time_stamp():

 Returns the current time.
char *time_stamp(){
	static char str[21] = {0};

        ....//get time

	return str;

also how would I initialize str, so it returns a new result every time?

>I can't figure out how to return a local variable.
There are two other common options aside from making the variable static:

  1. Pass in a buffer and work with it.
    char *time_stamp(char *buf, size_t size)
        /* Populate buf */
        return buf;
  2. Dynamically allocate the memory.
    char *time_stamp(void)
        char *str = malloc(21);
        /* Populate str */
        return str;

Just as with static, these options have advantages and disadvantages. It's really up to you to pick which one works best for your application. However, I'll mention that I usually pass in a buffer. That way the caller has more control over memory and things remain cleaner (if more verbose on the caller side).

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