Just started learning java and i'm having a little trouble with my compiling im supposed to give a screen shots of my outputs if it works but vista is blocking it (asks for permission and then just hangs)
ive included the questions just in case its being bleh but it should work... i hope =3
Q1 construct a class for a triangle
use lengths of sides as data members
include constructors for no inputs, one input and three inputs
include methods to calculate perimeter, area (herons formula)
include methods that test for an equilateral or isosceles triangle
include a method to test for a right angle (Pythagoras theorem)
put the main method in a separate test driver class
public class Triangle {
//Triangle with 3 said a, b, and c
private int sideA;
private int sideB;
private int sideC;
// Constructor that takes 3 lengths as input
public Triangle ( int newSideA,
int newSideB,
int newSideC) {
sideA = newSideA;
sideB = newSideB;
sideC = newSideC;
// Constructor equilateral triangle
public Triangle( int newLength) {
sideA = newLength;
sideB = newLength;
sideC = newLength;
//Constructor with default value;
public Triangle() {
sideA = 3;
sideB = 4;
sideC = 5;
//Methods that return side A
public int GetSideA() {
return sideA;
//Methods that return side B
public int GetSideB() {
return sideB;
//Methods that return side C
public int GetSideC() {
return sideC;
//Method that return perimeter
public int GetPerimeter() {
return sideA + sideB + sideC;
//Method that set the length of sides
public void SetLengths(int a; int b; int c) {
if (a>0) {
sideA = a;
if (b>0) {
sideB = b;
if (c>0) {
sideC = c;
Q2 Construct a class for photograph
use year it was taken, faces, events, placesin the photoas data members
can you think of any other usefull data members?
include a constructor for one input (year) and all inputs
include methods to get and set faces, events and places
include a method to print a full description of photo
include the main method in class
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class PhotoItem
public String Title;
public String Author;
public ArrayList<String> People = new ArrayList<String>();
public ArrayList<String> Details = new ArrayList<String>();
public int YearTaken;
// Constructor (all)
public LibraryItem (String Title,String Author,
ArrayList<String> People, ArrayList<String> Details,
int YearTaken)
this.Title = Title;
this.Photographer = Photographer;
this.People = People;
this.Details = Details;
this.YearTaken = YearTaken;
// Constructor (Year)
public LibraryItem (int YearTaken)
this.Title = "Untitled";
this.Author = "Unknown";
this.YearTaken = YearTaken;
public void AddPerson(String Person)
//Remove the Person or atleast try to
public void RemovePerson(String Person)
//Get the ArrayList
public ArrayList<String> GetPeople()
return this.People;
//Add a Detail
public void AddDetail(String Detail)
//Remove the Detail or atleast try to
public void RemoveDetail(String Detail)
//Get the ArrayList
public ArrayList<String> GetDetails()
return this.Details;
//Show all the data
public void showData()
public String Title;
public String Author;
public ArrayList<String> People = new ArrayList<String>();
public ArrayList<String> Details = new ArrayList<String>();
public int YearTaken;
System.out.println("Name: " + Title);
System.out.println("Taken by: " + Author);
System.out.println("Taken on: " + YearTaken);
System.out.println("People in the photo");
for (String Person : People)
System.out.println("Details about the photo");
for (String Detail : Details)
public static void main(String[] args)
LibraryItem LI = new LibraryItem(2010);
LI.Title = "Woot";
LI.Author = "yoko";
Q3 take a class from the bluej shapes projects and convert it so that it works standalone without bluej context you may need to take more then one class
you will need to code a main method
you may need to code inputs to constructors using joptionpane class methods
public class Circle
private int diameter;
private int xPosition;
private int yPosition;
private String color;
private boolean isVisible;
public Circle()
diameter = 30;
xPosition = 20;
yPosition = 60;
color = "blue";
isVisible = false;
/Make visible
public void makeVisible()
isVisible = true;
/Make invisible
public void makeInvisible()
isVisible = false;
/Move circle up.
public void moveUp()
/Move circle down.
public void moveDown()
public void moveRight()
/Move circle left.
public void moveLeft()
/Move circle horizontally
public void moveHorizontal(int distance)
xPosition += distance;
/Move vertically
public void moveVertical(int distance)
yPosition += distance;
/move horizontally slow
public void slowMoveHorizontal(int distance)
int delta;
if(distance < 0)
delta = -1;
distance = -distance;
delta = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < distance; i++)
xPosition += delta;
/move vertically slow
public void slowMoveVertical(int distance)
int delta;
if(distance < 0)
delta = -1;
distance = -distance;
delta = 1;
for(int i = 0; i < distance; i++)
yPosition += delta;
/Change size
public void changeSize(int newDiameter)
diameter = newDiameter;
/Change color
public void changeColor(String newColor)
color = newColor;
private void draw()
if(isVisible) {
Canvas canvas = Canvas.getCanvas();
canvas.draw(this, color, new Ellipse2D.Double(xPosition, yPosition,
diameter, diameter));
/deletes circle
private void erase()
if(isVisible) {
Canvas canvas = Canvas.getCanvas();