Good afternoon,

I'm working on a class assignmeent trying to use overloaded math operators + - but i'm getting the following error when I compile.

Line 29 of the main program generates this error:

Linker error undefined reference to 'TimeClass::operator+(TimeClass const&)

any help is appreciated.

Here is the code:


#ifndef TIMECLASS_H                             // Multiple Use Protection
#include <iostream>                             // Needed for cout and cin
#include <string>                               // Needed for string objects
using namespace std;

class TimeClass   

            void adjustTime(TimeClass);  //to convert time when added
            void subTime(TimeClass);  //to convert time when subtracted
    public:                     // Time Class
            int hours;
            int mins;
            int secs;
            string ap;
    //default constructor
    {hours = mins = secs = 0;ap = "0";}
    //function prototype convert string to integer
    int NumberSet(string);
    //Mutator function for regular time
    void setTime(int h,int m,int s, string am_pm)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;ap = am_pm;}
    //Mutator function for military time
    void setTime(int h,int m,int s)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;}
    //constructor for XX:XX:XX AM/PM
    TimeClass(int h,int m,int s,string am_pm)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;ap = am_pm;}
    //constructore for HH:MM:SS
    TimeClass(int h,int m,int s)
    {hours = h;mins=m;secs=s;}
    //overloaded operators
    TimeClass operator + (const TimeClass &); //overloaded +
    TimeClass operator - (const TimeClass &); //overloaded -
//    TimeClass operator = (const TimeClass &); //overloaded =

    //Non-member functions prototype(per Professor Shulman's example)
    ostream& operator << (ostream &retOut, TimeClass const &regtime)
       retOut << regtime.hours<<":"<<regtime.mins<<":"<<regtime.secs<<":"<<regtime.ap<<endl ;
       return retOut;
    istream& operator >> (istream &regIn, TimeClass &regtime)
       //Prompt for hours
       cout << "Enter hours: ";
       regIn >> regtime.hours;
       cout << "Enter minutes: ";
       regIn >> regtime.mins;
       cout << "Enter seconds: ";
       regIn >> regtime.secs;
       return regIn;



#include <ctime>                                // Used to get todays info
#include <cctype>                               // Used for is..., to...
using namespace std;
#include "TimeClass.h"

//convert time for addition

void TimeClass::adjustTime(TimeClass)
     //if the user enters a huge number this will keep looping until secs, mins, hours are reduced
     while(secs >= 60)
        secs -= 60;
        mins += 1;
     while(mins >= 60)
        mins -= 60;
        hours += 1;
     while(hours > 12)
     //switches back and forth each time 12 hours are incremented
        hours = hours % 12;
              if (ap =="AM" )
                 ap = "PM";
                 else if(ap=="PM")
                 ap = "AM";
//convert time for subtraction
void TimeClass::subTime(TimeClass)
// *** Converts Number in String to Integer (Skips leading blanks) ***

int NumberSet(string asVal)                     
{   int iDx;                                    
    int iNum = 0;                               
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
        if (asVal[iDx] != ' ') 
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
    {   if (!isdigit(asVal[iDx]))
        iNum = iNum * 10 + (asVal[iDx] - '0');
    return iNum;

//overloaded + operator
TimeClass TimeClass::operator + (const TimeClass &right)
     TimeClass newtime;
     newtime.hours = hours + right.hours;
     newtime.mins = mins + right.mins;
     newtime.secs = secs + right.secs;
     return newtime;

//overloaded - operator
TimeClass TimeClass::operator - (const TimeClass &right)
     TimeClass newtime;
     newtime.hours = hours - right.hours;
     newtime.mins = mins - right.mins;
     newtime.secs = secs - right.secs;
     return newtime;

//overloaded = operator
//TimeClass TimeClass::operator = (const TimeClass &right)
//     TimeClass newtime;
//     newtime.hours = hours = right.hours;
//     newtime.mins = mins = right.mins;
//     newtime.secs = secs = right.secs;
//     //subtime(newtime);
//     return newtime;
//     }



#ifndef TIMECHILD_H                             
#include <cstring>

#include <string>
#include <cstdlib> //necessary for the atoi conversion function

#include "TimeClass.h"   
using namespace std;

class TimeChild : public TimeClass               // Inherited from TimeClass
            string military;
            string tstring_1;
            string tstring_2;
            string holdstring;
            int t1_int;
            int t2_int;
            int test;
    public:                     // Time Class
    void setInt(int);
    //default constructor
    {military = "0000";}
    TimeChild(string m)

    TimeChild(int v)
    {test = v;   
    void setTime(string);  //defined in tTmeChild.cpp    


#include <ctime>                                
#include <cctype>  
#include "TimeChild.h"  
using namespace std;

void TimeChild::setTime(string miltime)
    tstring_1 = miltime.substr(0,1);
    t1_int = NumberSet(tstring_1); 
    tstring_2 = miltime.substr(2,3);    
    t2_int = NumberSet(tstring_2);
void TimeChild::setInt(int v)
     int q;
     q = v;
// *** Converts Number in String to Integer (Skips leading blanks) ***
int NumberSet(string asVal)                     
{   int iDx;                                    
    int iNum = 0;                               
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
        if (asVal[iDx] != ' ') 
    for (iDx = 0; iDx < asVal.length(); iDx++)
    {   if (!isdigit(asVal[iDx]))
        iNum = iNum * 10 + (asVal[iDx] - '0');
    return iNum;


#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>  
#include "TimeChild.h"
//#include "TimeClass.h"

using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    string mtime;
    TimeClass first, second;
    //set up the values for the parent class
    TimeClass regtime(12,23,48,"PM"); //set an initial regular time
    TimeClass miltime(1,23,48); //set an initial regular time
    //pass to overloaded ostream
    cout << miltime;
    cout << regtime;
    //pass to overloaded istream
    //enter hours to add
    //enter minutes to add
    //enter seconds to add
    //enter time to add
    second = miltime + first;
    cout << second;
    cin >> first;
    cout << first;
    //set up the values for the child class
    mtime = "0840";
    //TimeChild ctime(mtime);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

I really suggest abstracting the problem. Rather than posting 300 lines of code, 290 of which have nothing to do with the operator you are trying to overload, you should be able to make a <20 line program that overload the operator. If doing that alone doesn't help you solve your problem, it will be much easier for us to spot the error :)


Your code is so lengthy, please first you break your program into small program and then try to solve your problem. Actually I didn't able to understand what you try to do with this program and find lots of error in your code when I try to debug it.

Best Of Luck


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