I have been working with my final project for about 3 weeks now and its due by 10am tuesday. Currently I am receiveing cannot find symbol errors. I know this is something simple. Please help.
Create a program to enter grades and calculate averages and letter grades.
1. Need a class which will contain:
a. Student Name
b. Student Grades (an array of 3 grades)
c. A constructor that clears the student data (use -1 for unset grades)
d. Accessors (get functions) for each of the above, average, and letter grade
e. Mutators (set functions) for items a, b, c
f. Note that the accessor and mutator for Student grades has to have an argument for the grade index.
2. Need another class which will contain:
a. An Array of Students (1 above)
b. A count of number of students in use
c. Constructor that reads data from a text file and sets up the students
3. You need to create a graphical user interface that allows you to:
a. Read data from file
b. Add new students
c. Process existing students
d. Add test grades
e. Based on a radio button setting display either the average or the letter grade
f. Save modified data to file
4. A possible graphical look is as follows:
5. Add comments and use proper indentation.
NOTE: You need actionCommand to handle saving a file and you cannot modify actionCommand with a “throws IOException” clause. The way to solve this is as follows:
Assuming that you have a method called saveData that saves the data, change its call as follows:
{ saveData();
} catch (IOException x)
The function saveData, your function to load data, and the constructor will need a “throws IOException” clause.
Additional Information:
• An accessor is needed to save the test grades, which should always be numbers.
• I would like that system to accept a student with no grades, then later add one or more grades, and when all grades are entered, calculate the final average or grade.
• The way to handle changes in data using a text file is:
o Open the data file for reading
o load all the data into an array of students from the file,
o Close the file
o Make all modifications to the data in the array of students.
o When saving, open the datafile for writing
o Loop through the students and save the data to the datafile.
o Close the data file.
This project is a challenge. Do the best you can and I will grade it accordingly.
Basically, I will award points for
1. Creating a user interface that meets my criteria (screen form)
2. Creating a Student class that can perform the tasks requested
3. Creating an array of Student and loading it
4. Modifying the data in that array and moving between students
5. Handling the Calc button and using the Radio Buttons to determine what result to get and display.
6. Saving data in the datafile.
7. Items 1, 2, and 5 are worth 60 points. Items 3, 4, and 6 are worth 20 points and using proper indentation and comments is worth 20 points.
8. Note that submitting a program that does not compile is an automatic deduction of 20 points.
If you have any questions, please contact me as soon as possible.
import javax.swing.*; //needed for swing classes
import java.awt.event.*; // needed for the action listener
import java.awt.*;//needed for the boader layout class
import java.io.*; //need for the file and IOException
import java.util.Scanner;// needed for the scanner class
import java.util.List; // needed for the arraylist
import java.util.Arrays; //needed for the arraylict class
public class project2 extends JFrame
public gradeTypePabel gradeType; //to reference the the grade Type Pabel with the radio buttons
public namePanel name; // to reference the name panel with the name text field
public testPanel test;// to reference the test panel with the 3 test grade fields
public resultPanel result;// to reference the result panel with the result text field
private JPanel panel; // to reference the a panel
private JButton calcButton; // creats the Button named calcButton
private JButton prevButton; // creats the Button named prevButton
private JButton nextButton; // creats the Button named nextButton
private JButton saveButton; // creats the Button named saveButton
private JPanel buttonPanel; // to reference the panel where all the buttons go
public openFile open;// to reference the open file class
public int masterIndex = -1; // this controls all the of the indexes of all 4 arrays
// constructs the window
public project2()
// sets the title
setTitle("Grading Program");
// set what happens when the exit button is clicked
// sets the border layout
setLayout(new BorderLayout());
//calls the resultPanel class and names it result
result = new resultPanel();
//calls the gradeTypePanel and names it gradeType
gradeType = new gradeTypePabel();
//calls the namePanel and names it name
name = new namePanel();
//calls the testPanel and names it test
test = new testPanel();
//builds the button panel
//adds all of the panels to the north, south, east, west, and center panels
add(name, BorderLayout.NORTH);
add(gradeType, BorderLayout.WEST);
add(test, BorderLayout.CENTER);
add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.EAST);
add(result, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
// packs all the panels togather
//makes the window visable
//builds the panel for the buttons
private void buildButtonPanel()
buttonPanel = new JPanel();
prevButton = new JButton("Prev");// adds the text prev to the prevButton
calcButton = new JButton("Calc Grade");// adds the text Calc Grade to the calcButton
nextButton = new JButton("Next");// adds the text Next to the nextButton
saveButton = new JButton("Save");// adds the text Save to the saveButton
calcButton.addActionListener(new CalcButtonListener());// calls the ActionListener for the calcButton
prevButton.addActionListener(new PrevButtonListener());// calls the ActionListener for the prevButto
nextButton.addActionListener(new NextButtonListener());// calls the ActionListener for the nextButton
saveButton.addActionListener(new SaveButtonListener());// calls the ActionListener for the addButton
buttonPanel.add(prevButton);// adds the prevButton to the panel
buttonPanel.add(saveButton);// adds the saveButton to the panel
buttonPanel.add(nextButton);// adds the nextButton to the panel
buttonPanel.add(calcButton);// adds the calcButton to the panel
//creats actionlistener for the Calc Grade button
private class CalcButtonListener implements ActionListener
// executes when the button is clickd
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//if masterIndex = -1 then you are not at index 0 of the arrays so you cant calculate
if(masterIndex != -1)
String nameText;// to save the text in the name text field
nameText = name.txtname.getText();//gets the text form name text field
String grade1;// to save the text in the test1 text field
grade1 = test.test1TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test1 text field
String grade2;// to save the text in the test2 text field
grade2 = test.test2TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test2 text field
String grade3;// to save the text in the test3 text field
grade3 = test.test3TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test3 text field
//if the text in all 3 text field are <= 100 calculate
if(Double.parseDouble(grade1) <= 100 && Double.parseDouble(grade2) <= 100 && Double.parseDouble(grade3) <= 100)
//convert and add all 3 grades together
double totalGrade = Double.parseDouble(grade1) + Double.parseDouble(grade2) + Double.parseDouble(grade3);
//get the the avarage
double NumberGrade = (totalGrade / 300) * 100;
//to hold the letter grade
String letterGrade;
//if the alphabetical radio button is Selected get the letter grade
if(NumberGrade >= 90)
//sets letter grade to A
letterGrade = "A";
//display the result in the result text field
else if(NumberGrade >= 80)
//sets letter grade to B
letterGrade = "B";
//display the result in the result text field
else if(NumberGrade >= 70)
//sets letter grade to C
letterGrade = "C";
//display the result in the result text field
else if(NumberGrade >= 60)
//sets letter grade to D
letterGrade = "D";
//display the result in the result text field
else if(NumberGrade < 60)
//sets letter grade to F
letterGrade = "F";
//display the result in the result text field
//if numerical is Selected get the number grade
//display the result in the result text field
//displays error message when all grades are not <= 100
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "All Grades must be less than or equal to (100)");
//shows error message when masterIndex == -1
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please click (Next) first");
//creats actionlistener for the Calc prev button
private class PrevButtonListener implements ActionListener
// executes when the button is clickd gets the input and calcilates it
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//if masterIndex is > 0
if(masterIndex > 0)
//decrament masterIndex by 1
String[] nameList;//to store the array
String[] test1;//to store the array
String[] test2;//to store the array
String[] test3;//to store the array
nameList = open.getArrayName();//get the nameList array from the class
test1 = open.getArrayTest1();//get the test1 array from the class
test2 = open.getArrayTest2();//get the test2 array from the class
test3 = open.getArrayTest3();//get the test3 array from the class
name.txtname.setText(nameList[masterIndex]);//populate the txtname text field with the array
test.test1TextFild.setText(test1[masterIndex]);//populate the test1 text field with the array
test.test2TextFild.setText(test2[masterIndex]);//populate the test2 text field with the array
test.test3TextFild.setText(test3[masterIndex]);//populate the test3 text field with the array
catch (IOException x)
//displays an error message
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There are no previous students");
//creats actionlistener for the next button
private class NextButtonListener implements ActionListener
// executes when the button is clickd
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//incrament masterIndex by 1
String[] nameList;//to store the array
String[] test1;//to store the array
String[] test2;//to store the array
String[] test3;//to store the array
nameList = open.getArrayName();//get the nameList array from the class
test1 = open.getArrayTest1();//get the test1 array from the class
test2 = open.getArrayTest2();//get the test2 array from the class
test3 = open.getArrayTest3();//get the test3 array from the class
name.txtname.setText(nameList[masterIndex]);//populate the txtname text field with the array
test.test1TextFild.setText(test1[masterIndex]);//populate the test1 text field with the array
test.test2TextFild.setText(test2[masterIndex]);//populate the test2 text field with the array
test.test3TextFild.setText(test3[masterIndex]);//populate the test3 text field with the array
catch (IOException x)
//displays an error message
//creats actionlistener for the save button
private class SaveButtonListener implements ActionListener
// executes when the button is clickd
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
//if masterIndex = -1 then you are not at index 0 of the arrays so you cant calculate
if(masterIndex != -1)
String[] nameList;//to store the array
String[] test1;//to store the array
String[] test2;//to store the array
String[] test3;//to store the array
nameList = open.getArrayName();//get the nameList array from the class
test1 = open.getArrayTest1();//get the test1 array from the class
test2 = open.getArrayTest2();//get the test2 array from the class
test3 = open.getArrayTest3();//get the test3 array from the class
String saveName;// to save the text in the name text field
saveName = name.txtname.getText();//gets the text form name text field
String saveGrade1;// to save the text in the test1 text field
saveGrade1 = test.test1TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test1 text field
String saveGrade2;// to save the text in the test2 text field
saveGrade2 = test.test2TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test2 text field
String saveGrade3;// to save the text in the test3 text field
saveGrade3 = test.test3TextFild.getText();//gets the text form test3 text field
List<String> name1List = Arrays.asList(nameList); //treats the array as an arrayList
List<String> test1List = Arrays.asList(test1);//treats the array as an arrayList
List<String> test2List = Arrays.asList(test2);//treats the array as an arrayList
List<String> test3List = Arrays.asList(test3);//treats the array as an arrayList
name1List.set(masterIndex, saveName);//changes of sets the value at the masterIndex to saveName
test1List.set(masterIndex, saveGrade1);//changes of sets the value at the masterIndex to saveGrade1
test2List.set(masterIndex, saveGrade2);//changes of sets the value at the masterIndex to saveGrade2
test3List.set(masterIndex, saveGrade3);//changes of sets the value at the masterIndex to saveGrade3
//opens the file for writing
PrintWriter outputFile = new PrintWriter("name.txt");
//writes the array to a text file
for(int index = 0; index < nameList.length; index++)
//closes the file
//opens the file for writing
PrintWriter outputFile1 = new PrintWriter("grade1.txt");
//writes the array to a text file
for(int index1 = 0; index1 < test1.length; index1++)
//closes the file
//opens the file for writing
PrintWriter outputFile2 = new PrintWriter("grade2.txt");
//writes the array to a text file
for(int index2 = 0; index2 < test2.length; index2++)
//closes the file
//opens the file for writing
PrintWriter outputFile3 = new PrintWriter("grade3.txt");
//writes the array to a text file
for(int index3 = 0; index3 < test3.length; index3++)
//closes the file
catch (IOException x)
//displays an error message
//shows error message when masterIndex == -1
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please click (Next) first");
public static void main(String[] a)
// calls the project2 class
new project2();