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Hi i have finished my web browser program and i want to be able to set it as the default web browser. I was just wondering how this was possible? Please can you post some links or code examples. I was thinking that this would be done with registry values?
Any help is much appreciated


The default application for handling the http protocol is stored in the following registry key:

You may also need to set the application for other protocols, such as https, perhaps doing some exploration using regedit.exe might provide some answers.

To write to the registry key(s) you will need to look at the Microsoft.Win32 namespace. This tutorial might help to work it out.

Member Avatar for nssltd

The default application for handling the http protocol is stored in the following registry key:

You may also need to set the application for other protocols, such as https, perhaps doing some exploration using regedit.exe might provide some answers.

To write to the registry key(s) you will need to look at the Microsoft.Win32 namespace. This tutorial might help to work it out.

Hi i have been unable to locate the HTTP sub header in regedit. i have attactched a screen shot of everything under H.

Any help to solving this problem is much appreciated.

That's because you are looking at .h, scroll down more where the . goes away

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