Hi, I came up with a difficulty that adding the libmapi32.a to the codelite
IDE linker options.
I go menu->settings->build settings->select gnu-g++ in the left tree->switch->
and change the -l to the -lmapi32,
but the problem is the IDE still does not invoke the `-lmapi32`.
I reboot the PC restart the IDE, but still not results.
Any new idea, how should I cope with this problem?
and I'm using Code Lite inside windows XP SP3.
How should I force the linker to use that? :(
should I have to go and edit the makefile manually?
and I used the #pargma comment(linker,"-lmapi32")
and also #pargma comment(lib,"libmapi32.lib")
but still not working.
--Thanks in advance-