im trying to run this code that adds a name and displays it. i keep getting the same message. can anyone tell me what i have done wrong?
thank you.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class treenode
string data;
treenode * left;
treenode * right;
// Constructor. Make a node containing "student".
treenode(string student)
data = student;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
class MyBST
treenode * root;
//Insert item s into a tree rooted at r
void add(treenode * & r, string student);
//Display all items in the tree in order (in-order traversal)
void printAlpha(treenode * r);
root = NULL;
//function to add
void add(treenode * & r, string s)
if( r == NULL ) //empty tree, easy case!!!!!!
//create a new node, point r at it
r = new treenode(s);
else if( s > r->data ) //go right!
add( r->right, s );
else // go left
add( r->left, s);
//function to print in alphabetical order
void printAlpha(treenode * r)
if( r != NULL )
printAlpha(r->left); //print items in left subree
cout << r->data << endl; //print item at root
printAlpha(r->right); //print items in right subtree
//main program
int main()
MyBST firsttry;
return 0;